

Koperasi Sekolah Sebagai Basis Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Koperasi di SMA Negeri Kota Surakarta

Oleh :
Prajna Paramita Sari - S991308004 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan model pembelajaranberbasiskoperasisekolah di SMA Negeri Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan berdasarkan Borg and Gall. Penelitian ini melewati 9 tahapan, meliputi: (1) research and information collecting, (2) planning, (3) development of preliminary form of product, (4) preliminary field testing, (5) main product revision, (6) main field testing, (7) operational product revision,(8) operational field testing and (9) final product revision. Validasi produk melibatkan para ahli, yaitu ahli materi, ahli model pembelajaran dan praktisi dari koperasi dan guru mata pelajaran ekonomi. Focus group discussion dilakukan oleh para guru ekonomi yang mengajar di kelas X. Pengujian model pembelajaran koperasi berbasis koperasi sekolah ini dilakukan pada peseta didik di SMAN 6 SKA, SMAN 7 SKA dan SMAN 8 SKA.
Hasil penelitian berupa: (1) model pembelajaran koperasi yang dibutuhkan di SMA Negeri kota Surakarta, (2) rancangan model pembelajaran berbasis koperasi sekolah, (3) model pembelajaran berbasis koperasi sekolah yang valid, (4) efektivitas model pembelajaran berbasis koperasi sekolah dan (5) model pembelajaran bagi upaya pengembangan pembelajaran koperasi di SMA Negeri kota Surakarta.
Kesimpulannya dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui model pembelajaran koperasi yang dibutuhkan di SMA Negeri kota Surakarta, menghasilkan rancangan model pembelajaran berbasis koperasi sekolah, menghasilkan model pembelajaran berbasis koperasi sekolah yang valid, mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran berbasis koperasi sekolah dan menghasilkan model pembelajaran bagi upaya pengembangan pembelajaran koperasi di SMA Negeri kota Surakarta. Penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis koperasi sekolah dapat meningkatkan hasil pemahaman peserta didik mengenai koperasi dan meningkatkan kesadaran peserta didik mengenai koperasi dan peranan koperasi sekolah.
Kata Kuci: model pembelajaran, pembelajaran koperasi, SMA Negeri kota Surakarta,
The purpose of this research is to produce a learning model based on cooperatives school in state senior hight school of Surakarta City. This study is the development of previous research by Borg and Gall. It passed 9 stages, include: (1) research and collecting information, (2) planning, (3) development of preliminary form of the product, (4) preliminary field testing, (5) main product revision, (6) main field testing, (7) operational product revision, (8) operational field testing and (9) final product revision. Validation of products involved experts, i.e. the materials experts, learning model experts and practitioners of cooperatives and economic subject teachers. The focused group discussionwas conducted by the Economics teachers who teach in tenth grade. Testing the cooperative learning model school-based cooperative was conducted on students of tenth grade in three schools, namely SMAN 6 SKA, SMAN 7SKA and SMAN 8 SKA.
Results of the study are in form of: (1) The cooperative learning model which is needed in state senior high school in SurakartaCity, (2) design of school-based cooperative learning model, (3) the school-based cooperative learning model is valid, (4) the effectiveness of school-basedcooperative learning model, and (5) learning model for cooperative learning development efforts in state senior high school of Surakarta.
The results of this study include determining the cooperative learning model needed in state senior high school of Surakarta, producing a draft of school-based cooperative learning model, result a validschool-based cooperative learning model, determining the effectiveness of school-based learning model and resultingcooperative learning model for development efforts of cooperative learning in state senior high school of Surakarta. The use of school-based cooperative learning can improve students understanding about the cooperative and improve the students’ awareness about the role of cooperatives and schoolcooperative.
Key words: model of learning, development research, state senior high school of Surakarta.