Improving students’ english writing skill through portfolio assessment A classroom action research at SMPN 3 Maospati, Magetan in academic year 2008/2009
Oleh :
Karmi Ismiati - - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Improving Students’ English Writing Skill Through Portfolio Assessment(A Classroom Action Research at SMPN 3 Maospati, Magetan in Academic Year 2008/2009). A thesis: English Education of Graduate School. Sebelas Maret University.
The research aims to: (1) identify whether and to what extent portfolio assessment improves students’ English writing skill; and (2) describe the teaching and learning situation when portfolio assessment is applied in writing class. Action research is implemented in the study because the research model enabled me as a researcher as well as a teacher to find a solution to the teaching and learning problem. Action Research process consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection.
The research consists of three cycles implementing portfolio assessment to improve students’ writing skill for the seventh grade students of SMPN 3 Maospati, Magetan in academic year 2008-2009. Each cycle consists of three meetings to write drafts which are followed by discussing the drafts. Classical discussion is conducted in the first cycle, and small groups ones are in the second cycle to make the students braver and more active in discussing. Then both small groups and among groups discussions are conducted in the third cycle to get better solution and correction. Those activities in discussions aim to train the students doing self-correction and reflection to get better solution in improving their writing skill. The result of portfolio assessment implementation from draft to draft is presented in two diagrams in the end of each cycle to know the students’ writing improvement in each cycle. Then the overall improvements of all drafts of all cycles are presented in tables and diagrams in findings section.
The results of the study show that: (1) portfolio assessment can improve students writing skill grammatically, especially improving on the uses of words order, tenses, pronouns, vocabulary, sentence patterns, other grammar forms and they wrote longer paragraphs with more supporting sentences and better content, and (2) portfolio assessment can improve writing class situation; it is more alive in writing and discussing. So, portfolio assessment is one of appropriate technique to improve students’ writing skill through writing draft to draft and doing self-correction and reflection to get better writing and to be better writer. Besides, portfolio assessment improves students’ motivation and participation in the teaching and learning activities, especially in writing class; the situation is more alive when portfolio assessment is implemented in the writing class.