
Pembuatan Game Adventure 2D “Bengawan Solo Rescue” Berbasis Android Menggunakan Unity3D

Oleh :
M. Angga Priandaru - M3111098 - Fak. MIPA

In nowadays globalization era, most of Indonesian people less of concern about environment, especially about the cleanliness of river. It is same with the truth that many of game applications developed including gamemobile. The writer takes an initiative to make a gamemobile which takes a theme about environment cleanliness especially river. So it can rise the awareness of people about the cleanliness of river especially Bengawan Solo River.
The making of Adventure 2D game “Bengawan Solo Resque” is using gameengine unity 3D with programming language C#. This game belongs to game 2D. The are several stages of making the game such as game design, menu design and character. There are three stages of testing, those are functional game, testing devices, and testing of user interest.
Thus produced an Adventure 2D game “Bengawan Solo Resque” that can be run on android smartphone based to the specifications RAM 512 minimun, CPU single core 1Ghz, and resolution 320x 480 px. This game is for all age so they will more aware about the environment especially river environment.
Key words: Adventure 2D game “Bengawan Solo Resque”, Environmental awareness, game mobile.
Di era globalisasi ini sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia kurang peduli akan alam sekitar, khususnya kebersihan sungai. Dimana semakin banyak pula jenis aplikasi game yang dikembangkan termasuk gamemobile. Penulis berinisiatif untuk membuat sebuah gamemobile yang mengambil tema tentang kebersihan lingkunagn terutama sungai. Sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap kebersihan sungai terutama Sungai Bengawan Solo.
Pembuatan game Adventure 2D“Bengawan Solo Rescue” ini menggunakan gameengine Unity3D dengan bahasa pemrogaman C#. Game ini merupakan game 2D. Pada tahap pembuatan game terdapat beberapa tahap seperti perancangan permainan, desain menu dan karakter. Terdapat tiga tahap pengujian yaitu fungsional game, pengujian device, dan pengujian ketertarikan user.
Sehingga dihasilkan game Adventure 2D “Bengawan Solo Rescue”yang dapat dijalankan pada smartphone berbasis android dengan spesifikasi minimum RAM 512MB, CPU single core 1Ghz, dan resolusi 320 x 480 px. Game ini diperuntukkan kepada seluruh kalangan usia agar lebih dapat peduli terhadap lingkungan terutama pada sungai.
Kata kunci : game Adventure 2D “Bengawan Solo Rescue”, Kepedulian Lingkungan, Game Mobile.