
Elicitations employed by the army characters in the film entitled “blackhawk down” (A Socio-Pragmatics Approach)

Oleh :
Indra Setiawan - C1307045 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This research studies the use of the elicitations in the film entitled The BlackHawk Down. It was conducted to find out the types of the elicitations employed by the army characters, the way the army characters deliver the elicitations, and the reasons why the army characters employ certain elicitations in the film. This research deals with socio-pragmatics approach. It is a descriptive qualitative study, and it employs a purposive sampling as the sampling technique. The data are all the dialogs contain the elicitations and verbal responses in the film, which have significant relationship with the problem statements.
It is also found that each type of the elicitations is delivered by the army characters in various ways. It is closely related to the intonation and the body language’ presented by the participants when they have a conversation. It is found that the responses prospected given by the addressees and the receiver are also various. The responses found in the film are positive verbal response, negative verbal response, and temporization verbal response. The researcher also finds that the appearances of certain types of the elicitations are influenced by some factors. They are the context of situations, the ends of the conversation, the social statuses and roles of the participants, the social dimensions and the domains of language use. The result of this research is expected to give input dealing with the use of the elicitations and their responses prospected related to the social factors for the students, lecturers, and other researchers. The researcher suggests other researchers who are interested in socio-pragmatics study to conduct a further research on the elicitations and their responses.