

Penerapan Strategi Know-Want to Know-Learned-Affect (KWLA) untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Cerpen Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Bantul

Oleh :
Ermawati - S841402013 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan wawancara, motivasi dan aktivitas dalam
pembelajarann masih belum optimal. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka diterapkan
strategi KWLA. Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca cerpen
melalui strategi know-want to know-learned-affect (KWLA). Subjek penelitian siswa kelas
VII I SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. Penelitian tindakan kelas dilakukan tiga siklus. Setiap siklus
terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data
dengan observasi, wawancara, tes, dan analisis dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan teknik
deskriptif komparatif dan analisis interaktif dengan analisis kritis. Validitas data
menggunakan triangulasi sumber data, triangulasi metode, dan review informan.
Penerapan prosedur strategi KWLA yang efektif antara lain : 1) siswa membaca
nyaring judul cerpen; 2) siswa diberikan lembar kerja kolom KWLA; 3) kegiatan prabaca,
siswa dan guru bertanya jawab apa yang diketahui tentang judul cerpen dan menuliskan di
kolom know; 4) siswa meyusun pertanyaan 5W+1H sebagai tahap want to know pada
prabaca; 5) siswa membaca sekilas; 6) siswa memperbaiki pertanyaan yang telah dibuatnya
sebagai tahap want to know pascabaca; 7) perwakilan tiap kelompok untuk menuliskan
pertanyaan di papan tulis, kemudian dipilih pertanyaan yang jawabannya lebih kompleks; 8)
siswa membaca cerpen kembali dengan intensif dengan berpedoman pada kolom want to
know; 9) informasi yang diperoleh siswa setelah kegiatan membaca, dituliskan dalam kolom
learned; 10) langkah terakhir, siswa menulis pengaruh cerpen atau amanat yang dapat
diambil untuk diri pribadi di kolom the affect.
Hasil kualitas proses motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran: 1) semangat 48% pada
pratindakan, 68% di siklus I, 80% pada siklus II, dan 90% pada siklus III; 2)
bertanggungjawab 42% pada pratindakan, 55% di siklus I, 58% pada siklus II, dan 70%
siklus III; 3) siswa merasa senang dan puas mengerjakan tugas 58% pada pratindakan, 65%
di siklus I, 74% siklus II, dan 80% siklus III. Indikator aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran
meliputi: 1) berperan aktif 54% di pratindakan, 77% di siklus I, 80% di siklus II, dan 87% di
siklus III; 2) bertanya kepada siswa lain atau guru 61% di pratindakan, 71% di siklus I, 77%,
pada siklus II, dan 87% pada siklus III; dan 3) melaksanakan diskusi 58% pada pratindakan,
65% di siklus I, 83% pada siklus II, dan mencapai 93% pada siklus III. Kualitas proses
kinerja guru, kinerja guru optimal 56% pada pratindakan, 81, 25% pada siklus I, 87, 50%
pada siklus II, dan optimal 93, 75% pada siklus III. Kualitas hasil keterampilan membaca
cerpen pada pratindakan persentase ketuntasan 67, 74% berkategori cukup dengan nilai ratarata
kelas 74, 90, pada siklus I persentase ketuntasan 77, 42% berkategori baik dengan nilai
rata-rata 77, 42. Di siklus II, persentase ketuntasan 90, 32% berkategori sangat baik dengan
nilai rata-rata 81, 10, dan pada siklus III persentase ketuntasan mencapai 96, 77% berkategori
sangat baik, dengan nilai rata-rata kelas yang dicapai 86, 06%.
Kata kunci: membaca cerpen, strategi KWLA, kualitas proses dan kualitas hasil
Based the result of the observation and interviews of motivations and learning activity
is not optimal yet. To overcome these problem, then applied KWLA strategy. The research
aims at enhancing the students’ short stories reading skills by implementing know-want to
know-learned-affect strategy. The participants of the research are the students of Class VII I
of SMP Negeri 1 Bantul. The research is action research with three cycles. Every cycle
consists of four stages namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data are
collected through observation, interview and document analysis. In analyzing the data,
descriptive comparative and interactive analysis techniques with critical analysis are used. To
obtain the data validity, the data source triangulation, method triangulation and review
informants triangulation are carried out.
Application procedures of effectiveness of KWLA strategy including: 1) student read
aloud the title of thr short story; 2) student are given KWLA worksheet column; 3) Pre
reading activities, student and teachers questioning what is known about the title of short
story and wrote in the “know” column; 4) student put the WH questions as a stage of “want to
know” in the pre reading activities; 5)Students read by a glance; 6) student refine the
questions that has been created as a stage of “want to know” post read; 7) representatives of
each group write the questions on the board, then selected the questions that have more
complexes answer; 8) students repeat to read short storyintensively by reffering to the “want
to know” column; 9) information obtained after reading is written in the “learned” coloumn;
10) the final step, student writes the influence of the short story or the moral value that can be
taken for personal self in the “the affect”.
The result of motivation process in learning: 1) spirit 48% in preaction, 68% in cycle
II, 80% in cycle II II, dan 90% in cycle III; 2) responsible 42% in preaction, 55% in cycle I,
58% in cycle II, dan 70% in cycle III; 3) the leaners are enjoy and satisfied in doing the task
58% in preaction, 65% in cycle I, 74% in cycle II, dan 80% in cycle III. The indicators of
learner’s activity in learning are: 1) active 54% in preaction, 77% in cycle I, 80% in cycle II,
dan 87% in cycle III; 2) asking to teacher or friends 61% in preaction, 71% in cycle I, 77%,
in cycle II, dan 87% in cycle III; dan 3) discussion 58% in preaction, 65% in cycle I, 83% in
cycle II, dan 93% in cycle III. The quality of teache’s performing is optimum 56% in
preaction, 81, 25% in cycle I, 87, 50% in cycle II, dan 93, 75% in cycle III. The quality of the
short story reading skill in prection has a completeness percentages 67, 74% is categorized as
enough with average 74, 90, pada in cycle I has completeness percentage 77, 42% is
categorized as good with average 77, 42. In cycle II, the completeness percentages 90, 32% is
categorized as very good with average 81, 10, and in cycle III the completeness percentages
is 96, 77% is also categorized as very good with average 86, 06%.
Keywords: reading short stories, KWLA strategy, quality of learning process and outcome