
A structural analysis of william wordsworth’s poems

Oleh :
Astrie Nurdianti Wibowo - - Fak. KIP

The problems that will be solved in this research are how the elements of William Wordsworth’s poems “She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”, “I Traveled Among Unknown Men”, “My Heart Leaps up when I Behold”, “The Sun has Long been Set”, and “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” are unified and make coherence and also how those elements work on it so that together build the general meaning. The research methodology maintained in this study is descriptive method. The descriptive method emphasizes on the fact and it is followed by analyzing and also interpreting on the basis of certain criteria; in this case structural approach is used so that the analysis and interpretation are based on the standard criteria which deal with the characteristic of structuralism. Structural approach is basically an effort to study literary work through its intrinsic elements, putting aside the extrinsic elements such as: social background, psychological aspect, the poet’s biography, etc. this approach also tries to see how those intrinsic elements are unified to make a unity. The analysis and interpretation carried out show that the poems are well structured. It means that each element of the poems is interrelated and gives its contribution for achieving the whole meaning of the poem. This is reflected that the relations between the elements are focused on the single central idea which becomes the theme of the poem. The basic measurement of coherence in structural analysis is the achievement the elements to support the theme. Based on the analysis and the interpretation, there is suggested that poem can be used as the material in teaching literature. It can shape the students’ ability of appreciation. And the way of teaching can be done by using the following steps: (1) The teacher explains about the poem itself and about structural approach, (2) The teacher instructs the students to read the poem for several times in order to better understand, (3) The teacher instructs the students to paraphrase the poem and shape them to have same concept, (4) the teacher clarifies about the relation of each elements of poem to achieve the whole meaning and then the teacher discusses it in detail, starting from the finding the theme furthermore he explains how the elements become parameters of the analysis