

Hubunganmotivasi Belajar dan Persepsi Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran dengan Prestasi Belajar Kewirausahaan pada Peserta Didik Kelas X SMK Gajah Mada Purwodadi

Oleh :
Dini Kurniawati - S811402006 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The purpose of this research is to know: (1) is there any relation between studying motivation towards studying achievement of entrepreneurship in tenth graders of SMK Gajah MadaPurwodadi. (2) isthere any perception of using studying media towards studying achievement of entrepreneurship in tenth graders of SMK Gajah MadaPurwodadi. (3) is there any relation between studying motivation and perception of using studying media towards studying achievement of entrepreneurship in tenth graders of SMK Gajah MadaPurwodadi.
This research uses correlational approach. Population of this research is tenth graders of SMK Gajah MadaPurwodadi, there are 109 students. Sample of this research was taken by using cluster random sampling, there are 84 students.
Based on data analysis, the results are: (1) there is relation between studying motivation towards studying achievement of entrepreneurship in tenth graders of SMK Gajah MadaPurwodadi. The result shows rhitung>rtabel ( 0,316 > 0,213). There is no any relation between perception of using studying media towards studying achievement of entrepreneurship in tenth graders of SMK Gajah MadaPurwodadi. Theresult showsrhitungKeywords: Studying Motivation, Perception of Using Studying Media, Studying Achievement of Enterpreneurship