
Pengaruh tingkat LMX terhadap penilaian kinerja dan kepuasan kerja dengan kesamaan jender dan locus of control sebagai variabel moderator

Oleh :
Mugi Harsono - 196807021995121001 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

This research aimed at (1) testing the impact of LMX o n the performance rating and job satisfaction; (2) examining whether gender similarity moderating the LMX o n performance rating; and (3) examining whether locus of control moderating the impact of LMX o n job satisfaction. Respondents were nurses and chief of nurses employed by state-owned hospital. The result showed that LMX significantly related to performance rating and job satisfaction. Locus of control significantly moderating the impact of LMX o n job satisfaction, meanwhile gender did not moderate the impact of LMX o n performance rating.
Keywords: leader-member exchange, performance rating, locus of control, job satisfaction