
Kelembagaan Lahan dan Tenaga Kerja Pada Usaha Tani Tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Zona Selatan

Oleh :
Suwarto - - Fak. Pertanian

This research aims to find out the effects of land and labor institution o n: 1) using of non-household labors, 2) land productivity, cost of production, farm income,household consumption, 3) farm income and land holding distributions, and 4) farm income contribution. The research conducted using survey method in southern area of Gunung Kidul Regency with hopes it obtain a lot of information concerning variations o n land and labor institutions. Data analysis used tabulation, regression, anova, t-test, and Gini ratio. The result shows that the usage of non-household labor for the land owner-operator and lungguh, kas desa, and private owned land (LKP) rented land is higher than o ne farmers from others land institution. The land holding vast of food crop, membership at labor institution, amenity acces of non and off farm increases usage of non household labor. The involvement of non household labor increased production cost, and decreased food crop farm income. Cost production of food crop farm of LKP rented land is higher than o ne farmers from other land institution. According to, food crop farm income per ha for rented land of LKP is lower than o ne farmers from other land institution. The household income of the land awner operator is higher than the o ne of HB rented land. Household income of farmers who employ hired labors and arisan is higher than those who employ sambatan labor and cultivated their lands by themselves. Total household consumption of LKP’s rented land and forestry land borrowers is lower than o ne farmers from others land institution. Household income, asset value, and household labor number increases the household consumption. Farm income distribution is evenly distributed in line with distributions of land holding and non and off farm income of moderate evenness distribution. Farm income contribution to household income of the land owner operator and HB rented land is higher than o ne of LKP rented land and the lender forestry land. Income contribution of farmers who dominates vast land is higher than those with the limited o ne. Farm income contribution of farmers who employ sambatan labor is higher than o ne farmers from others labor institution. Farm income contribution of farmers who relatively difficult to access market or city is higher than those who were easy to access market or city.