
Pengujian kerangka kerja dimensi-dimensi kecerdasan emosional Daniel Goleman (1995) dan perbandingannya berdasarkan karakteristik demografis responden

Oleh :
Mugi Harsono - 196807021995121001 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The attention to a book of Daniel Goleman about emotional intelligence, as expected, also generated criticism. This was so because emotional intelligence framework issued by him was not accompanied by results of empirical test. Target of this research were to test emotional intelligence dimensions issued by Daniel Goleman (1998) and to see the degree of variation of emotional intelligence against the demographic variables. Results of this research indicated that: (1) from Exploratory Factor Analysis it was seen that emotional intelligence dimensions issued by Daniel Goleman (1998) had a good construct validity; (2) academician had a comparable higher level emotional intelligence than practitioner, men had a higher level of intelligence emotion than women, and married people tended to have a higher level emotional intelligence than those who were not married. Keywords: emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman, demographic variables.