Pengaruh Jejas Biomekanik Terhadap Apoptosis Kondrosit Dalam Rawan Sendi Lutut Kelinci Melalui Akumulasi Ca2+ Intraseluler
Oleh :
Zainal Arifin Adnan - 130786876 - Fak. Kedokteran
Until these days, the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis still had not been explained, where o ne of the factors is joint instability by any caused, in order to make biomechanics reaction changing into biochemist reaction, which is the input of Ca2+ to chondrocyt that caused chondrocyt apoptosis Eight Flame Rose rabbits were assigned into two groups. First four rabbits were act as control ( with Sham operation), second group were performed anterior cruciate ligament transection and medial manisectomy to create the instability of rabbits’ knee joints. This was true experiment, multi variants that used Kolmogorov Semirnov Z and Hotteling Trace statistical method. This research’s result was significantly proved (p<0,01) with positive relation between biomechanics scratched that caused biochemist reaction with the improvement of IP -3, Ca2+ and also chondrocyt apoptosis. This result was beneficial to identify o ne of the factors of osteoarthritis pathogenesis, and also used to prevent, to cure Osteoarthritis that related with knee joint instability for the next researcher.