
The Family as Health Producer in Indonesia: An Examination Using Grossman’s Model and Its Extensions

Oleh :
Bhisma Rizky Samudro - - Fak. Kedokteran

Healthy citizens are a basic prerequisite for human capital formation and growth of the economy. Investment in health, therefore, is an important national policy issue. In Indonesia, households are the dominant provider in the production of health and are likely to continue to be so in the foreseeable future, given the limited government funds for health. However, very little is known about the decision-making process by which available resources, both within and outside the family, are allocated and linked to be health of the family members. This thesis investigates the effects of individual and family resources such as income, education, health insurance; community resources such as social capital; and environmental factors such as rural-urban residence, o n the production of families’s health. A number of outcome variables have been estimated, including (1) the level of child health care spending; (2) the probability of providing nutritious diets to children; (3) wives’ health status; (4) fathers’ decision to smoke and the level of cigarette consumption; and (5) households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for health insurance. Grossmans’ model of the demand for health and its extensions were employed as the theoretical framework for analysis. Using data o n 1986 households from the Family Health Survey in Central Java and East Java, Indonesia, and 409 households for the Willingness To Pay Study in Central Java, this thesis demonstrated that individual characteristics (age, gender, initial health status, income, education); family members’ characteristics (health status, income, education, health insurance); community characteristics (social capital), and environment factors (rural-urban residence) are all important for the formation of the family’s health and health-related behaviours. The main implication of these findings is that a rational approach to improving the health status of citizens in developing countries such as Indonesia should focus o n the socio-economic determinants of health and health-related behaviours. In order to improve population health, this thesis recommends policy makers, donors and researchers pay attention o n the broader range of health determinants and to redirect resources towards improving the capacity of families to improve their health rather than costly high technological tertiary care.