
Enhancing students’ self-esteem in writing narrative text using collaborative learning (An Action Research at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 7 Surakarta in the Academic Year 2014/2015)

Oleh :
Fatma Indratama - K2211033 - Fak. KIP

The aim of this action research is to enhance self-esteem in writing narrative text of the tenth grade of SMA N 7 Surakarta by using Collaborative Learning. The main subject of this research is the students in XMIA 4 in the second semester of the study by the academic year of 2014/2015. This study was done in two cycles and it took three months until the end of cycle two. The data were obtained from the observation before and during the research, interview with the students and the English teacher and students? writing tests. The data were in the form of interview transcripts, field notes and students? writing scores. The result of the study shows that collaborative learning can enhance students? self-esteem in writing narrative text. Before the implementation of the method, the students did not have passion in learning writing. The class was really quite during the teaching learning process. None of the students asked questions to the teacher and some students were just chatting with their friends. From the interview?s result, the students also admitted that they were not confidence in their writing competence, they couldn?t write properly and they have problems in grammar, content, vocabulary, mechanic and organization. The teacher?s method was not really effective in solving students? problem. Specifically, it was caused by the use of lecturing method in teaching students writing. By implementing collaborative learning in the teaching learning process, the students? problem regarding to their self-esteem in writing was successfully solved. Moreover, this method was also effective to build conducive learning atmosphere. In detail, the students? behavior during the learning process was analyzed and observed by the researcher. The improvement of students? self-esteem in writing narrative text could be seen in all aspects of self-esteem (Competence, Self-worth, Success and Confidence). The number of students who believed they were able to write narrative text improved from 15% to 96.5%. Then, the number of students who felt they are worth improved from 67.89% to 87.86%. The number of students who believed that they can success improved from 60.66% to 94.57% and the last the number of students who felt confident in their writing also improved from 42% to 89.5%. Besides, the students? improvement on their behavior has affected the students writing achievement related with five writing aspects (content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic).
Keywords: collaborative learning method, self-esteem in writing, narrative text