
Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Report Text by Using Edutainment Video Game (A Classroom Action Research to the Eleventh Grade of Mathematics and Science 3rd Class at SMA N 5 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2014/2015)

Oleh :
Mohammad Romdhoni Prakoso - K2211054 - Fak. KIP

This study is conducted to identify 1) the enhancement of students’ ability in writing report text by using video game and 2) classroom situation in which video game is applied in the writing report text class.
The method used in this study is classroom action research. The research is conducted from February 1st until May 22nd 2015. Each of the cycle of the research comprises planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There are quantitative and qualitative data garnered in this research. The quantitative data were marshaled by conducting pre-test and two post-tests, while qualitative data were collected by observing, interviewing, and surveying.
The findings show that the implementation  of video game could bring an enhancement of students’ writing report-text ability and classroom situation. The students’ mean score of five aspects of writing skill as 1) organization, 2) content, 3) grammar, 4) mechanics, and 5) style increase. The escalation of classroom situation include 1) encourage students to do all of the excercises without any fear to fail as they could retry it time over time, 2) trigger them to participate inside the class fully, whether to ask or to answer questions, 3) diminish the students’ neuroses in writing report text, 4) banish the wasteful tumult of the class, 5) build teamwork among the students as in some case they should answer together questions inside REMI. The mean score shows advancement from 28.24 in the pre-test became 50.84 in the post-test 1 and finally becomes 67.19 in the post-test 2.
Key words: writing ability, report text, video game
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui 1) peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis report text dengan menggunakan edutainment video game dan 2) situasi kelas dimana edutainment video game diterapkan di kelas menulis report text.
Metode yang digunakan di penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai 1 Februari sampai 22 Mei 2015. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Terdapat data kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam penelitian ini. Data kuantitatif dikumpulkan dengan melaksanakan pre-test dan dua post-test, sementara data kualitatif dikumpulkan dengan observasi, interview, dan survey.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi edutainment video game dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis report text dan situasi kelas. Nilai rata-rata siswa berdasarkan lima aspek writing meningkat. Peningkatan kondisi kelas meliputi 1) memotivasi siswa untuk melakukan latihan, 2) memacu mereka untuk berpartisipasi dalam kelas, 3) menghilangkan kegaduhan dalam kelas, 4) menghadirkan kerja sama antar siswa. Nilai rata-rata menunjukkan peningkatan dari 28,24 dalam pre-test menjadi 50,84 dalam post-test 1 dan 67,19 dalam post-test 2.
Kata kunci: kemampuan menulis, report text, edutainment video game