
Studi Implementasi CAD/CAM pada Proses Milling CNC terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan dan Tingkat Kepresisian Aluminium 6061

Oleh :
Risdiyanto Edy Saputro - I0409044 - Fak. Teknik

Penelitian ini dilakukanuntuk mengetahuipengaruh implementasi CAD/CAM untuk proses milling CNC terhadapkekasaranpermukaandantingkatkepresisian. Spesimen dibuat dengan menggunakan jenis proses pemotongan face milling, pocket milling, profile milling, slot milling,drilling, thread milling,dan surface contouring. Pengambilan data kekasaran dilakukan pada jenis proses pemotongan, dan data kepresisian dilakukan dengan membandingkan dimensi panjang dan lebar untuk jenis proses pemotongan terkait. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan implementasi CAD/CAM dengan variasi jenis proses pemotongan menghasilkan nilai kekasaran yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tanpa implementasi CAD/CAM.Jenis proses pemotongan dengan nilai kekasaran permukaan untuk masing-masing proses pemotongan adalahproses face milling (0,5028 µm;0,5132 µm), slot milling (0,664 µm;0,6556 µm), profile milling (1,282 µm;1,3128 µm), pocket milling (1,3852 µm; 1,4856 µm) kemudian proses drill (1,9944 µm;2,1136 µm). Nilai rata-rata dimensihasilpengukuranmenunjukkanperbedaanantara hasilimplementasi CAD/CAM dengantanpaimplementasi CAD/CAMdenganpersentase perbedaan menurut panjang dan lebar secara berurutan adalah 0,037 %; 0,059 %untukprofile milling; 0,039 %; 0,061 %untukpocket milling; dan0,151 %; 0,317 % untuk proses drill.Secara statistik penggunaan implementasi CAD/CAM tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap nilai kekasaran permukaan akan tetapi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kepresisian dari produk yang dihasilkan dengan tingkat keyakinan 95%.
Kata kunci : CAD/CAM, proses pemotongan, kekasaran permukaan.
This research was conducted to find out the influence of the implementation of CAD/CAM for CNC milling process to the surface roughness and precision. Specimens were made by using seven types of cutting process. There are face milling, pocket milling, profile milling, slot milling, drilling, thread milling, and surface contouring. Roughness data retrievalwas done on the type of cutting process, and the data precision was done by comparing the length and width dimensions related to the type of cutting process. The results showed that the implementation of CAD/CAM with a variation of the cutting process produces roughness value which is lower than without the implementation of CAD/CAM. The surface roughness values for each of the cutting process were face milling process (0.5028 μm; 0.5132 μm), slot milling (0.664 μm; 0.6556 μm), profile milling (1.282 μm; 1.3128 μm), pocket milling (1.3852 μm; 1.4856 μm) and drilling process (1.9944 μm; 2.1136 μm). The average value of the dimensions from the measurement showed the difference between the results of the implementation of CAD/CAM and without the implementation of CAD/CAM. The percentage difference in the length and width were respectively 0.037%; 0.059% for profile milling; 0.039%; 0.061% for pocket milling; and 0.151%; 0.317% for drilling. Statistical use of the implementation of CAD/CAM does not significantly affect the value of the surface roughness but it has a significant influence on the precision of the product with a 95% precision level.
Keyword : CAD/CAM, cutting process, surface roughness.