Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah: 1) mengetahui karakteristik modul berbasis Guided Discovery, 2) menguji kelayakan modul berbasis Guided Discovery, 3) mengukur keefektifan modul berbasis Guided Discovery terhadap kemampuan berpikir analitis pada materi jamur (fungi).
Penelitian dan pengembangan modul ajar menggunakan prosedur Borg & Gall yang telah dimodifikasi menjadi sembilan tahapan: 1) tahap penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi, 2) tahap perencanaan, 3) tahap pengembangan rancangan awal produk, 4) tahap uji coba lapangan permulaan, 5) tahap revisi produk tahap pertama, 6) tahap uji lapangan terbatas, 7) tahap revisi produk tahap kedua, 8) tahap uji lapangan operasional, 9) tahap revisi produk akhir. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket, observasi, dan tes. Jenis data yang diperoleh adalah data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dari hasil wawancara & saran saat uji lapangan. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari penilaian validasi modul oleh ahli, uji lapangan operasional dan tes hasil belajar.
Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukkan: 1) produk modul biologi berbasis Guided Discovery dikembangkan berdasarkan sintak Guided Discovery. 2) Kelayakan modul biologi berbasis Guided Discovery pada materi jamur berdasarkan penilaian dari ahli materi berkualifikasi “sangat baik” dengan persentase skor 93.04%, ahli pengembangan modul ajar berkualifikasi “baik” dengan persentase skor 86,25%, ahli pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berkualifikasi “baik” dengan persentase skor 89.47%, dan ahli tata bahasa/keterbacaan berkualifikasi “sangat baik” dengan persentase skor 96,87%, penilaian dari praktisi pendidikan satu berkualifikasi “sangat baik” dengan persentase skor 98,21% dan praktisi pendidikan dua berkualifikasi “sangat baik” dengan persentase skor 94,25% serta penilaian dari siswa berkualifikasi “baik” dengan persentase skor 84.99%. 3) Modul biologi berbasis Guided Discovery efektif meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir analitis, karena berdasarkan hasil uji anakova menunjukkan adanya perbedaan hasil postes antara kelas kontrol yang menggunakan buku ajar sekolah sebesar 71.97 dan kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan modul biologi berbasis Guided Discovery sebesar 78.14 pada materi jamur.
Kata kunci: Modul, Guided Discovery, meningkatkan berpikir analitis, materi jamur
The objective of research and development were: 1) the characteristic amodule based of Guided Discovery, 2) test the feasibility of module-based Guided Discovery, 3) to measure the effectiveness of module based Guided Discovery on the ability to think analytically in the material mushrooms (fungi).
Research and development of teaching module is used the procedure Borg & Gall which has been modified into nine stages: 1) the stage of research and information gathering, 2) planned, 3) the development stage preliminary design of the product, 4) the stage of field trials beginned, 5) under revisi on stage product of the first phase, 6) limited field tested phase, 7) revision stage product of the second stage, 8) operational field test phase, 9) stage of the revision of the final product. The technique of collected data was through questionnaires, observations and tests. The type of data acquired was qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data obtained from interviews and advice currently field testing. Quantitative data obtained from the assessment module validation by experts, field test operations and test results of learned.
Research and development results showed: 1) the product module of biology-based Guided Discovery was developed based syntax Guided Discovery. 2) Eligibility the biology module based Guided Discovery of fungi material based on an assessment of the material qualified experts “Excellent with a percentage score of 93.04%”, experts qualified teaching module development “good with a percentage score of 86.25%”, experts qualified software development learned “good with a percentage score of 89.47%”, and expert practitioners qualified language” very well with a percentage score of 96.87%”, the assessment of educational practitioners 1 qualified” Excellent with a percentage score of 98.21%” and two qualified educational practitioners” very good with percentage score of 94.25% “as well as the assessment of the students qualified” scores well with the percentage of 84.99%.” 3) Module biology-based Guided Discovery effectively improve the ability to think analytically, because it was based on test results Anacova showed differences in results posttest between control classes by using textbooks of schools were 71.97 and classroom experiments by using a module of biology-based Guided Discoveryon were 78.14 the material mushroom.
Keywords: Module, Guided Discovery, improve analytical thinking, fungi material