
Perbedaan Tinggi Badan Aktual dengan Tinggi Badan Menggunakan Panjang Ulna pada Mahasiswa Semester V Fakultas Kedokteran UNS

Oleh :
Dinda Carissa - G0012061 - Fak. Kedokteran

Background: Heights of the elderly have given a bias to the study because of the presence of skeletal compression. Therefore it is necessary to estimate the height from the long bones in the body. This research aims to observe the gap of actual heights and heights predicted by the lengths of ulna in students of the Faculty of Medicine UNS in the fifth semester.

 Methods:This research was a cross sectional research and was conducted in September – October 2015. The samples used in this research use total sampling method, with an estimated sample of 240 respondents.The subjects of this research were fifth semester students in the Faculty of Medicine, UNS. The collection of data was done by measuring heights using microtoise and measuring the lengths of ulna using caliper with accuracy of 0,05 cm. Dependent variable was height and independent variable was the length of ulna. The data was analyzed with ANOVA test.


Results:There were significant gaps between actual heights and heights predicted by the length of ulna (p = 0,0001), where the mean differences between male’s actual height and heights predicted by the length of ulna using the equation of ulna’s length from Prasad et al., Ilayperuma et al., Thumar B et al. danPureepatpong et al. were respectively 3,717 cm, 4,317 cm, 5,543 cm dan 5,543 cm;females are 12,599 cm, 2,736 cm, 3,587 cm dan 1,250 cm. The smallest gap found in females were using the equation from Pureepatpong et al. and the equation from Prasad et al. for male.

Conclusions:  There are significant gaps between actual heights and heights predicted by the length of ulna.

Keywords: height estimation, length of ulna, students of the fifth semester