

A Case Study of Code-Switching Strategies by English Teachers in the Accelerated Classroom Program

Oleh :
Dinar Dipta - S891402017 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

There is a contradictory theory towards the use of teachers’ codeswitching
in language acquisition. Some argues that the target language is
supposed to be the only language performed in teaching process. On the other
hand, other theories allow the use of various languages as a medium of
instruction. The second theory is strongly supported by the fact that target
language learning cannot be separated from native language (Margana, 2013).
Highlighting this contradictory phenomenon, this study is aimed to identify the
occurrences of teachers’ code-switching while teaching English in the classroom.
Especially, this study focused on the analysis of the grammatical patterns, types,
factors, and functions of code-switching. Moreover, this study revealed to what
extend these code-switching affect the students’ performance.
This study was a qualitative case study which produced descriptive data.
The data were all of the code-switching performed by the English teachers in the
form of expressions. In order to complete the source of data, supporting
documents and some informants were involved in this study. Coping with the
aims of the study, purposive sampling was used to collect the samples under the
consideration that the samplings were teaching English in the accelerated
classroom. Observation, documentation, and interview were conducted to collect
the data. Those were interpreted descriptively. To enhance the trustworthiness of
the data analysis, the triangulation technique was used. After being checked, the
data were analyzed based on Spradley’s Ethnographic Analysis (1979).
The results pointed out that there were two grammatical patterns of codeswitching
performed; free-morpheme, and equivalence constraints. Regarding to
the patterns, the types of code-switching were categorized as tag-switching,
intersentential switching, and intrasentential switching. The results also described
the factors initiating the teachers to switch code; participant, topic, situation,
solidarity, and status. These analyses led to the functions of teachers’ codeswitching
in teaching process; quotation, interjection, message qualification,
addressee specification, reiteration, and personalization versus objectification.
Moreover, it was revealed that these code-switching gave a good impact on the
students’ performance. In conclusion, the result of this study supported the second
theory which allows the use of various languages as a medium of teaching English
in the accelerated classroom.
Keywords: accelerated classroom program, case study, code-switching, English