
Media Habit Pendengar Radio Kategori Remaja Usia 14-19 Tahun di Kota Solotahun 2015

Oleh :
Phulia Widya Negara - D0211077 - Fak. ISIP

Todays radio existence have been replaced by the media like television and new media, internet and social media include. However, radio still interesting to be explore and the reason is it seen has power and places for the audiences. Utilize the young generation as known as "N Generation" which is mean generation who have addicted with technology, this studies try to describe media habit of teenagers within  use the media especially radio, how they use media, when, where dan what radio station they listen, interaction with the radio, and another work they do when listen the radio.
This research collaborated 3 models, media use from Rubin & Windahl , technology determinism from McLuhan to explain the media use of teens age 14-19 years old in Solo, and uses & dependency DeFleur & Ball –Rockeach to explain the reason why teenagers use media.
The participant is teenagers respondents who have 14-19 years old in Solo. Sampling use snow ball sampling and to get the data it use Journal diary which is developed from Audience Research, BBC World Service, Graham Mytton.
The result shows teenagers in Solo, radio in 3th position after television and social media. Most of them listening to the radio in their home at 11 a.m., 3 p.m., and 6 p.m. teenagers in Solo loves relay program from mother station, Jakarta such as Desta and Gina In The Morning and The Dandees from Prambors Jakarta. Content they want to hear is TOP 40 songs.
Keywords: Media Habit, Teenagers, Radio, Listeners.