
Kinerja PT. PLN (Persero) UPJ Surakarta Kota dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Prima (Penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif tentang Pelayanan Pelanggan)

Oleh :
Popi Ari Putriyati - D1106540 - Fak. ISIP

PT. PLN represent one of BUMN moving in the field of ready of electric power which it's existence is very required by society. Thereby PT. PLN claimed to provide electric power which with quality is good the than facet sum up and also the quality. Others PT. PLN is also claimed to can give professional service to customers or society. Along of that's writer have an eye to perform research with title "Performance PT. PLN (Persero) UPJ Surakarta Town in giving excellent service”. This Research target is to know public organization performance specially PT. PLN (Persero) Surakarta, Network and Service Unit in giving excellent service. This research is conducted in Town Surakarta region with unit analyze is Office PT. PLN Persero) UPJ Surakarta. Performance PT. PLN (Persero) UPJ Surakarta in giving excellent service measured from three indicator, that is : Service Quality, Organizational Reliability, Organizational Responsively. This Research represent descriptive research qualitative. As for method of data collecting used is in the form of observation, interview, and the documentation. Validity of Data obtained by triangulation source, while technique analyze data of by technique analyze interactive. Pursuant to conducted research, hitting performance PT. PLN (Persero) UPJ Surakarta in giving excellent service specially related to strategy of company in the effort its realize satisfaction of customers or socialize service user, obtainable of conclusion that performance PT. PLN UPJ Surakarta in giving the excellent service good enough. This matter is based by for various indicator weaned by writer to see performance PT. PLN (Persero) UPJ Surakarta in giving excellent service. Quality of Service which is passed to by a customers especially the amenity access to earn in feeling the customers or socialize service user better, Reliabilities of Organization which is passed to by a customers have fulfilled expectation and satisfaction to customers, and Organizational Responsivitas can be realized with existence of response which do well by customers sigh.