
Analysis On The English - Indonesian Translation Of Methaphors In The Novel

Oleh :
Afifah Muna Usamah - K2210003 - Fak. KIP

The aims of this research were: (1) to identify the types of metaphors in the novel “The Amulet of Samarkand” to its Indonesian translation “Amulet Samarkand”; (2) to analyze the translator’s strategies in translating metaphors in the novel “The Amulet of Samarkand” to its Indonesian translation “Amulet Samarkand”; and (3) to analyze the contribution of the translation of metaphors in the novel “The Amulet of Samarkand” to its Indonesian translation “Amulet Samarkand” to English teaching.
This research was a qualitative descriptive research. This research used two kinds of sources in collecting data in analyzing the novel: (1) primary data which are taken from the novel “The Amulet of Samarkand” and the Indonesian translation “Amulet Samarkand”; and (2) secondary data which are useful to give further information to the research by supporting the primary data taken from other references such as books, website, reviews, articles, journals, dictionaries, encyclopedias and etcetera. The data were collected by reading the novel, indicating the sentences containing metaphors and drawing table of sorting data. In analyzing the data, the research used qualitative research method that requires three flows of process consist of data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification.
The result of the research is shown as: (1) the identification of types of metaphors found in the novel with from concrete to abstract metaphor has the highest number among types of metaphors which applied to 83 data (57.2%). It can be concluded that the author of this novel frequently uses this type of metaphor to make the readers imagine and perceive the effect vividly what the author wants to portray in his writing of fantasy-themed novel; (2) the analysis of the translation strategy showed that the translator frequently translated the metaphors by keeping the metaphor from source language if the metaphor is understood by the readers in the target language which applied to 60 data (41.3%). It can be interpreted that the translator tried as well as possible to keep metaphors in target language by conveying, delivering and transferring what the author wants to try to convey not only the message but also the imagination, pictures and effects in his writing through metaphors using the play on words; and (3) the contribution of result of this research can be included in English teaching in form of lesson plan as an attempt in order to enrich and expand students’ vocabulary in reading class.
Keywords: metaphor, types of metaphor, translation, translation strategy, students’ vocabulary, qualitative, descriptive research, translation analysis.