The purposes of this research are to identify: (1) the types of idiom used in J.K Rowling novel entitled Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, (2) the strategies of translating English idioms into bahasa Indonesia in the novel Harry and the Goblet of Fire, (3) the implication of idiom translation analysis in the novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on the teaching of reading comprehension. This research uses a novel entitled Harry and the Goblet of Fire to Harry Potter dan Piala Api by J.K Rowling and its translation “Harry Potter dan Piala Api” translated by Listiana Srisanti as source of the data.
This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data in this research are idioms. The sampling technique used in this reasearch was simple random sampling. After randomly picking 30 pages from novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the researcher looked for idioms in each page and then analyzed them. Total idioms which were found from 30 pages are 97 idioms.
The result of the analysis shows that: (1) there are nine types of idioms found in the novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Phrasal verbs are the most frequent idioms found (62.88%). The other types of idioms are idioms with keywords from special categories (13.41%), idiomatic with prepositions (10.32%), idioms with noun and adjectives (4.12%) and tie with words with idiomatic uses. Idiomatic pairs and verbal idioms in fifth place (2.06%), and idioms with comparison came in the last place (1.03%); (2) Translating by paraphrase is the most frequent technique used to translate idioms with percentage 96.91% of the data. The second next technique is using an idiom of similar meaning and form (2.06%) and the least technique used to translate idioms is idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form (1.03%); (3) The result of this data can be used as teaching material in the classroom especially in reading comprehension.
Keywords: translation, idioms, translation strategies, reading comprehension