
Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor yang Membangun Persepsi Merek Terbaik pada Situs Jual Beli Online (Analisis Structural Equation Model Pengaruh Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness, dan WoM Social Media dalam Membangun Persepsi Merek Terbaik Situs Jual Beli Online pada Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Atas di Boyolali)

Oleh :
Selo Ponco Nugroho - D1212071 - Fak. ISIP

Kekuatan merek adalah konsep dasar yang digunakan pelaku pasar untuk mempertahankan eksistensi dan membantu sebuah merek memenangkan persaingan pada pasar kompetitif. Kekuatan merek dapat diukur melalui persepsi konsumen terhadap suatu merek terbaik. Pemilik merek melakukan berbagai upaya untuk membangun persepsi terhadap merek terbaik. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menguji model persepsi terhadap merek terbaik yang secara konseptual dibangun melalui faktor-faktor Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness, dan WoM Social Media situs jual beli online.
Penelitian ini mengembangkan model kekuatan merek David Aaker (1991) yang melibatkan faktor Brand Awareness dan Perceived Quality. Variabel yang relevansebagai respon terhadap perkembangan fenomena komunikasi pada merek situs jual beli online. Ditambahkan beberapa faktor Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness, dan WoM Social Media. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori efek komunikasi Lavidge dan Steiner untuk menganalisa tahapan dari efek komunikasi merek, meliputi tahapan kognitif, afektif, dan konatif. Setiap tahapan efek diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan variabel penelitian.Semakin tinggi tingkat kesadaran konsumen terhadap merek, baik merek secara keseluruhan, maupun merek yang sering dibicarakan dari mulut ke mulut, dan merek yang melakukan kegiatan iklan, maka akan semakin besar potensi merek dipersepsikan sebagai merek terbaik.
Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah para siswa SMA yang ada di kota Boyolali dengan jumlah 100 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampling dilakukan secara Sampling aksidentalkarenapopulasi bersifat tidak terdefinisi.Model diuji menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model kekuatan merek fit dengan nilai RMSEA 0,081 dan P-value 0,047.Model menunjukkan adanya pengaruh Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness, dan WoM Social Media dalam membangun persepsiterhadap merek terbaik situs jual beli online. Tiga variabel yang mempunyai kontribusi terbesar dalam membangun persepsi terhadap merek terbaik secara berurutan adalah WoM Social Media (1,040), Brand Usage (1,010), dan Advertising Awarness (1,000).
Kata kunci: Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness, dan WoM Social Media.
Brand equity is the basic concept that is used to maintain the existence of market participants and help a brand to win the competition in a competitive market. Brand equity can be measured through consumer perceptions of a brand best. Brand owners to make efforts to build the best brand perception. The study was conducted to test the model best brand perception that is conceptually built by factors Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage,Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness, and WoM Social Mediaonline trading site.
This study develops a model of brand strength David Aaker (1991), which involves factors and Brand Awareness Perceived Quality. The relevant variables in response to the development of the phenomenon of brand communications at online trading site. Added several factors Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness, and WOM Social Media. This study uses the communication effects theory Lavidge and Steinerto analyze the stages of the effect of brand communications, covering the stages of cognitive, affective, and conative. Each stage effect is translated using the study variables. The higher level of consumer awareness of the brand, both overall brand, and a brand that is often talked about by word of mouth and brand conducting advertising, the greater the potential of the brand is perceived as the best brand.
Respondents in this study were high school students in the city of Boyolali with 100 respondents. Technique sampling is done by Sampling aksidental because the population is undefined. The model was tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that the model of the strength of the brand fit with RMSEA value of 0.081 and P-value of 0.047. Model pointing right to the influence of Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness, and WOM Social Media in building the best brand perception online trading site. The three variables that have the greatest contribution in building the best brand perception in a sequence is WOM Social Media (1,040), Brand Usage (1,010), and Advertising Awarness (1,000).
Keywords:Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Advertising Awareness,and WoM Social Media.