
Eksperimentasi Pembelajaran Scientific dengan Metode Eksperimen dan Inkuiri Terbimbing Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Verbal Siswa pada Materi Pokok Zat dan Wujudnya Kelas VII SMP Islam Al-Hadi

Oleh :
Rika Utami - K2308112 - Fak. KIP

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidak adanya: (1) perbedaan pengaruh antara pembelajaran Scientific metode pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dan metode eksperimen terhadap kemampuan kognitif fisika siswa, (2) perbedaan antara kemampuan verbal siswa kategori tinggi dan rendahterhadap kemampuan kognitif fisika siswa, (3) interaksi antara pengaruh penggunaan pembelajaran scientific metode pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, mrtode eksperimen dan kemampuan verbal siswa terhadap kemampuan kognitif siswa.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2 x 2.Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP Islam Al Hadi, Sukoharjo. Populasipenelitianiniadalahsemuasiswakelas VII SMP Islam Al HadiTahunAjaran 2015/2016.Teknikpengambilansampel yang digunakanyaitucluster random sampling. Sampelyang digunakandalampenelitianinisebanyak 2 kelas, yaitukelas VII E dan VII G  yangmasing-masingterdiridari 34 siswa. Teknikpengumpulan data yang digunakanadalahteknikdokumentasi, danteknik test.
Berdasarkanhasilpenelitiandapatdisimpulkanbahwa: (1) Ada perbedaan pengaruh antara penggunaan model pembelajaran scientific metode eksperimen dan inkuiri terbimbing terhadap kemampuan kognitif fisika siswa (F_A=16,9>F_(0.05;1.30)=3,98). Metode inkuiri terbimbing memberikanpengaruh yang lebihbaikterhadapkemampuankognitifFisikasiswapadapokokbahasanzat dan wujudnyadaripada model pembelajaran scientific metode eksperimen, (2) Ada perbedaan pengaruh antara kemampuan verbal siswa kategori tinggi dan rendah terhadap kemampuan kognitif Fisika siswa pada pokok ba(F_B=77,5>F_(0.05;1.30)=4,17), (3) tidak ada interaksi antara pengaruh model pembelajaran scientific dan kemampuan verbal siswa terhadap kemampuan kognitif Fisika siswa pada pokok bahasan zat dan wujudnya(F_AB=0.1>F_(0.05;1.30)=4,2).
Kata kunci :scientific, eksperimentasi, inkuiriterbimbing, kemampuaan verbal
The aims of this research is to find out whether or not : (1) there is a different effect of scientific learning with  experiments method and guided inquiry on the physics cognitive competency of students in matter of substance, (2) there is a different effect of  ability verbal between the students in high and those in low categories on the physics cognitive competency of students in matter of substance, 3) there is interaction between the use of scientific learning with experiments method and guided inquiry  on student’s verbal ability.
The research method employed was an experimental method with 2 x 2 factorial design. This research was taken place in Junior High School Islam Al-Hadi, Sukoharjo. This population of research was all of the school year of Junior High School Islam Al hadi in the school year of 2015/2016. The research employed cluster random sampling. The sample used in this research consist of classes VII E and VII G, each of which consist of 34 students. Techniques of collecting data use documentation, and test.
Based on the result of research, it could be concluded that: 1) there was a different effect experiments method and guided inquiry  on the physics cognitive competency of students in matter of substance (F_A=16,9>F_(0.05;1.30)=3,98). Guided inquiry method exerted better effect on the physics cognitive competency of  student in matter of substance than that with experimental method, 2) there was a different effect of  ability verbal between the students in high and those in low categories on the physics cognitive competency of students in matter of substance (F_B=77,5>F_(0.05;1.30)=4,17). The students with high category of ability verbal had physics cognitive competency better than with low category, 3) there was no interaction between the use of experiments method and guided inquiry  on student’s verbal ability on the physics cognitive competency of students in matter of substance F_AB=0.1>F_(0.05;1.30)=4,2. So the use of scientific learning and verbal ability have partial effect on the physics cognitive competency of students in matter of substance.
Keyword : scientific, experiments, guided inquiry, verbal ability