
The effectiveness of task – based teaching upon writing ability

Oleh :
Muhammad Kholiq - - Fak. KIP

The research is carried out to find out whether or not the use of task-based teaching is effective to elaborate the students’ writing ability. It is compared with another technique of language teaching that is structure – based teaching. The method used in this research is an experimental method. The population in this research is the first grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Gondangrejo in the academic year 2006 / 2007. There are three classes with 40 students each. So, the total numbers of students are 120 students. The research was conducted from June 2006 until February 2007. The sampling of the research is multiple stage random sampling. Firstly, two classes are taken from three classes randomly. Secondly, one class is stated as an experiment class and the other one is the control class randomly. The test of writing is intended to collect the data. In order to know the difference of those two groups, this research uses the randomized posttest – only control - group design of the experimental research. The final step is applying the appropriate statistical test. The research is applied by the t – test. The result of the computation of t – test shows that the difference between two groups is significant. It is proved by the t value is 5.6110. The required t value needed for 5% level is 1.67. Means, t value is greater than t table. Not only the value of t test, but the mean of the test scores also shows the difference. The mean of the experimental group’s scores is 76.19. On the way around, the mean of the control group’s scores is 71.63. It tells that the use of task-based teaching is more effective than the use of structure-based teaching in writing ability.