
Implementasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik di Universitas Sebelas Maret

Oleh :
Nurul Agna Pratama - E0011237 - Fak. Hukum

This study aims to determine the implementation of Public Information Disclosure at the Sebelas Maret University. This study uses empirical legal research is descriptive . Types and sources of data used are primary data obtained from interviews with mediators and secondary data obtained from the study of statutory documents , written data obtained in the study site and other legal materials .
The discussion in this study provide descriptions of the implementation of the Public Information Disclosure at the Sebelas Maret University. The conclusion of this study, there are obligations of the Sebelas Maret University regulated in Law Number 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure as a Public Body has been fulfilled. And there are some obligations have not been met, such as the appointment of Management Officer of Information and Documentation ( PPID ) ; sets the standard cost or a copy of Public Information ; establish list the Public Information managed ; establishing procedures for filing an appeal for public information ; and report to the Commission on Information
Keywords: Public Information Disclosure, PPID