
Penggunaan Media Audio Visual untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Lompat Kangkang pada Peti Lompat pada Siswa Kelas XIMIPA-2 SMA Negeri 2surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

Oleh :
Teguh Adi Riyanto - K4611103 - Fak. KIP

The purpose of this research is to improve straddle vault’s learning outcomes on Swedish box classXI Mipa-2Negeri2 Surakarta academic year 2015/2016.
This research is a class action (PTK). Research conducted two cycles. Each cycle consists of two meetings. The subjects were students of class XI Mipa-2Negeri2 Surakarta academic year 2015/2016 amounted to 27 students. The data source is the students, teachers and researchers. The data collection technique is by observation and tests. The validity of the data using triangulation techniques. Data were analyzed using descriptive techniques using techniques percentage to see trends in the learning process.
The implementation in the first cycle and cycle II led to an active learning process, effective, efficient, and fun to be able to support the occurrence of quality learning.The results showed from the initial conditions to the first cycle and from the first cycle to the second cycle as indicated by the increase in the percentage of completeness. Attainment of straddle vault’s learning outcomes on Swedish boxfirst cycle of 67,85% or 19 out of 28 students and the second cycle achievement of mastery learning outcomes reached 82,14%or 23 out of 28 students, while 5 students do not complete the KKM 2,66 so learning outcomes were more than the expectation target (80%).
The conclusion of this research is through the audio-visual media can improve straddle vault’s learning outcomes on Swedish box in class XI Mipa-2 Negeri 2 Surakarta academic year 2015/2016.
Keywords: learning outcomes, straddle vault, audio-visual media