

Pengembangan Media Berbasis Aplikasi pada Handphone untuk Mendukung Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Media Reagen dengan Model Problem Based Learning ...

Oleh :
Wimpy - S831302085 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil dari tiap tahap pengembangan, kualitas dari aspek desain/ materi dan aspek media serta keefektifan media berbasis aplikasi pada handphone yang dikembangkan untuk mendukung pembelajaran mata kuliah media reagen dengan model Problem Based Learning dipadu pendekatan BLESS (Blended Learning Systems Structures) mahasiswa DIII Akademi Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang mengacu pada model Borg & Gall dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari 2014 hingga Maret 2015 di Akademi Analis Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta. Data diambil dengan teknik angket, teknik observasi, dan teknik tes.
Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Hasil tiap tahap penelitian dan pengembangan pada: tahap studi pendahuluan disimpulkan bahwa dibutuhkan media berupa aplikasi pada handphone untuk mendukung pembelajaran mata kuliah Media Reagen dengan model PBL dipadu pendekatan BLESS (Blended Learning Systems Structure); tahap pengembangan produk awal dihasilkan draft aplikasi pada handphone yaitu LEMMPER (Learning Media Mobile Program Enriched & Refined); tahap uji coba awal dihasilkan revisi 1; tahap uji coba lapangan dihasilkan revisi 2, data keterlaksanaan tahapan Problem Based Learning, dan hasil belajar mahasiswa; tahap uji coba operasional dihasilkan produk akhir. 2) Kualitas produk pengembangan media berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi dan ahli media diperoleh CV > 0,7, yang menunjukkan bahwa media dapat dilanjutkan ke tahap uji coba; rata-rata angket respon dosen dan mahasiswa pada semua uji diperoleh penilaian dengan kategori “sangat layak”. 3) Media dikatakan efektif dillihat dari persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada pembelajaran mata kuliah media reagen model PBL dipadu pendekatan BLESS mahasiswa reguler 2C yang didukung dengan media LEMMPER. Hasil presentase ketuntasan  klasikal yaitu 100 %, sehingga media dikatakan efektif.
Kata kunci: BLESS, keefektifan media, kualitas media, LEMMPER
This research aims to determine the result of each developing stages, the quality and the effectiveness of the media development based on application on handphone for supporting Media Reagen lecture subject with Problem Based Learning model and BLESS (Blended Learning Systems Structure) approach for Nasional Medical Laboratory Technologyst Academy Surakarta.
This study was conducted by developing the existing learning methods of Research and Development by modification Borg and Gall. This study has been done since January 2014 until March 2015. The method for achieving student’s data are questioner, observation, and test.
The conclusion from the data analisys are: 1) The result of each research and development stages are: the media was needed on the research and information collecting stage; the prototoype of LEMMPER (Learning Media Mobile Program Enriched & Refined) was achieved on the develop preliminary form of product; the first revision was achieved on preliminary field testing; and the result of main product revision was called second revision, on this stage, the result of the student achievement and the conduction of Problem Based Learning model are also achieved; and the final product was achieved after the revison from the main field testing. 2) The media quality was measured with the content validity from both material and media expertised lecturer. The result of the CV > 0,7, wich means this media could be proceed to the next testing stages. The conclusion of  Problem Based Learning model was conducted as well as the results that have been shown from the judgement of lecturer and students. 3) All of the students of reguler 2C passed the test wich can be concluded that the media is effective for  supporting the Media Reagen learning subject with problem based learning model and BLESS (Blended Leaning Systems Structure) approach.
Keywords: BLESS, media efectiveness, media quality, LEMMPER