
Improving students’ vocabulary mastery through computer assisted games (A Classroom Action Research on the Fourth Grade Students in SD Negeri 02 Kebak in 2008/2009 Academic Year)

Oleh :
Aditya Martha Kasih - - Fak. KIP

This action research was conducted in the fourth grade class of SD Negeri 02 Kebak, Kebakkramat. The objective of this research is to know what the responses of the students are when the computer assisted games technique is applied in class and to what extend computer assisted games can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Before he held the research, there were three problems encountered. Firstly, the students are less interested in teaching learning process because the teacher did not provide attracting teaching aid. Secondly, the students get difficulties in pronouncing new vocabulary correctly. Thirdly, the students get difficulties to remember the meaning of the words. The hypothesis of this research is the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 02 Kebak Kebakkramat in 2008/2009 academic year are more interested in teaching learning process by using computer assisted games, so they can pronounce and grasp the meaning of the vocabularies correctly. The research was conducted in two cycles. The procedures of the research consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. In collecting the data, the writer used observation and supported with test. The writer was the teacher who implemented computer assisted games in the instructional process. The result of the observation was served as field notes. The tests were in the form of pretest and posttest. The result of the research shows that computer assisted games effectively improves the students’ vocabulary mastery. It can motivate and attract the students to be actively involved in the instructional process. They also do all activities without any excuses. They become more active and attentive if it is being contrasted with their behaviour before the research held. Besides, there were also some significant improvements of the students’ vocabulary achievement. The students’ average score was 5.3 (cycle 1) and 4.6 (cycle 2) in the pre-test and it improved to 7.4 (cycle 1) and 7.4 (cycle 2) in the post-test.