
Hubungan Derajat Depresi dengan Kualitas Hidup Terkait Kesehatan pada Pasien Pasca Stroke di RSUD Dr Moewardi

Oleh :
Ni Nyoman Widyastuti Lestari - G0012148 - Fak. Kedokteran

Latar Belakang: Depresi merupakan komorbiditas yang sering ditemui pada pasien stroke. Adanya depresi diduga memperparah kondisi fungsional, fisik, psikologis, dan sosial pasien stroke yang sejak awal sudah terganggu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan antara derajat depresi dengan kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan pada pasien pasca stroke di RSUD Dr Moewardi.
Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Responden adalah 56 pasien stroke baik iskemik maupun hemoragik yang sedang menjalani rawat jalan di Poliklinik Saraf RSUDDr Moewardi bulan Oktober 2015. Responden dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data responden diambil dengan cara wawancara dan pemberian kuesioner L-MMPI, BDI-II, dan Medical Outcome Study SF-36. Variabel terikat adalah kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan. Variabel bebas adalah derajat depresi. Variabel perancu adalah usia, jenis kelamin, faktor risiko kardiovaskular (merokok, hipertensi, diabetes mellitus), tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pendapatan, lama menderita stroke, jenis serangan stroke, derajat keparahan stroke. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi square dan uji logistik ganda.
Hasil: Setelah mengontrol variabel perancu maka didapatkan kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan secara bermakna dipengaruhi oleh derajat depresi (p < 0,05). Variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan adalah derajat keparahan stroke (OR= 13,633; CI 95% 2,954 – 62,914; p = 0,001) dan derajat depresi (OR = 10,428; CI 95% 2,153 – 50,509; p = 0,004).
Simpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara derajat depresi dengan kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan pada pasien pasca stroke di RSUD Dr Moewardi. Pasien stroke dengan depresi sedang-berat berisiko sepuluh kali memiliki kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan buruk dibandingkan pasien stroke dengan depresi ringan atau tidak menderita depresi.
Kata kunci : derajat depresi, kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan, stroke  

Introduction: Depression is a comorbidity that is often found in stroke patients. The presence of depression is thought to be related with patient’s condition such as functional, physical, physiological, and social outcome. The purpose of this research is to understand the correlation between level of depression and health related quality of life on stroke patients in RSUD Dr Moewardi.
Methods: The design of this study was an analytical observational research study with cross sectional approach. Respondents were 56 stroke patients which were undergoing treatment in neurological outpatient clinic of RSUD Dr Moewardi Surakarta in the month of October 2015. Respondents were chosen by using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by interview and questionnaire: L-MMPI, BDI-II, and SF-36. The dependent variable was health related quality of life. The independent variable was level of depression. Cofounding variables were age, gender, cardiovascular risk factors (smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus), socioeconomic status, time elapsed since stroke, stroke types: first-ever or recurrent, and severity of stroke. Data were analyzed by using chi square test and binary logistic regression analytic test.
Results: This study shows that health related quality of life is significantly influenced by level of depression (p < 0,05). Variables that influence health related quality of life are the severity of stroke (OR= 13,633; CI 95% 2,954 – 62,914; p = 0,001) and level of depression (OR = 10,428; CI 95% 2,153 – 50,509; p = 0,004).
Conclusion: There is correlation between level of depression and health related quality of life on stroke patients in RSUD Dr Moewardi. Stroke patient with moderate to severe depression has ten times greater to have poorer health related quality of life than without or minimal depression.
Keywords : level of depression, health related quality of life, stroke.