
Implementasi Program Sanitasi Perkotaan Berbasis Masyarakat (SPBM) dalam Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Tangga di Kota Surakarta (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Semanggi Tahun 2012-2014)

Oleh :
Chika Ayu Aprilia - D0111024 - Fak. ISIP

Health policy becomes one of government’s important focuses in development, in this case to deal with endemic disease evolving within the society living in urban areas with high poverty rate in which they have poor access to sanitation, like in Surakarta City. Considering this, the Government of Surakarta City, through Public Work Service organizes a Community-Based Urban Sanitation (SanitasiPerkotaanberbasisMasyarakat = SPBM) program. The objectives of research were to find out and to describe the SPBM program implementation process in processing domestic wastewater in KelurahanSemanggi as well as to identify the factors affecting the program implementation process.
This study employed a descriptive qualitative method. The data source in this research was obtained from documents, result of interviews and observations. The informants were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data validation was conducted using source and method triangulation. Technique of analyzing data used was an interactive model of analysis.
The implementation of SPBM program in processing domestic wastewater in KelurahanSemanggi was carried out in four stages: community preparation, activity planning, construction, operation and maintenance. The implementation of SPBM program had been not optimal yet generally because there were some activities conducted inconsistent with the existing guidelines, for example, limited number of informants participating in the activity, the establishment of PokjasanKelurahan was conducted annually, 40% women participation had not been met in the implementation of villager discussion, incomplete administration document in DRP/RKM and reporting mechanism. There were such factors supporting the implementation as: communication made by the executor, adequate and competent executive unit, fund availability and clearly SOP. In addition, there were such factors inhibiting the implementation process as: inadequate communication during socialization, some executors undertaking their duty poorly (PokjasanKelurahan, TFL 2013, LKM and KPP) and limited information in the term of KPP training.
Keywords: Implementation, domestic wastewater sanitation, Surakarta.