

Perbedaan Kadar SGOT, SGPT dan GAMMA GT pada Pasien Talasemia Beta Mayor dengan Kelasi Besi Deferasirox dan Deferiprone

Oleh :
Reza Abdussalam - S501202047 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Latar Belakang. Timbunan besi pada hati penderita talasemia mayor yang sudah mendapatkan transfusi berulang menyebabkan gangguan fungsi hati. Diperlukan kelasi besi untuk mengurangi gangguan fungsi hati tersebut.
Tujuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan kadar SGOT, SGPT dan GAMMA GT pada pasien talasemia mayaor dengan kelasi besi deferiprone dan deferasirox.
Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan metode potong lintang dengan pemeriksaan kadar SGOT, SGPT dan GAMMA GT pada kelompok deferiprone dan defersirox yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Perbedaan kadar enzim tersebut dibandingkan di antara dua kelompok dan dianalisis dengan uji Mann-Whitney.
Hasil. Perbedaan yang bermakna antara kedua kelompok pada kadar GAMMA GT, yaitu rerata 24,5 ± 14,08 u/l pada kelompok deferiprone dan rerata 16,78 ± 6,81 u/l pada kelompok deferasirox dengan nilai p=0,011. Sedangkan kadar SGOT dan SGPT menurun pada kelompok deferasirox dibanding deferiprone tapi tidak bermakna secara statistic (p=0,142 dan p=0,122)
Kesimpulan. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna kadar GAMMA GT pada kelompok deferasirox dibanding kelompok deferasirox. Kadar SGOT dan SGPT pada kelompok deferasirox lebih rendah dibanding deferiprone tapi tidak bermakna secara statistik. Deferasirox lebih efektif dalam menurunkan gangguan fungsi hati daripada deferasirox.  
Kata kunci
Talasemia mayor, Chelation Therapy, SGOT, SGPT, GAMMA GT
Iron accumulation in liver in patient with major thalassemia which has already having repeated transfution could cause liver disfuntion. Iron chelation is understood to be needed to reduce the dysfunction of the liver.
This study aim is to know whether there is differences in ALT/AST and Gamma GT level in mayor thalassemia patient with deferiprone and deferasirox chelation therapy
This study was analytical study with cross sectional study with examination of ALT/AST and Gamma GT levels in deferiprone and defersirox groups which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Differences in enzyme levels were compared between the two groups then analyzed with the Mann - Whitney test .
There was a siginificantly difference between two groups in Gamma GT level, which is in the mean of24,5 ± 14,08 u/l in the deferiprone group and mean 16,78 ± 6,81 u/l in deferasirox group with p = 0.011. however, the ALT and AST level were decreased in deferasirox group compared to deferiprone group although it was not statisticaly significant (p=0,142 dan p=0,122)
There is a siginificant difference in Gamma GT level in deferasirox group compared to the deferiprone group. The ALT and AST level in deferasirox group is lower than the other group although it was not statisticaly significant. Deferasirox is considered to be more effective in decreasing the dysfunction of liver function.
Major thalassemia, Chelation Therapy, SGOT, SGPT, GAMMA GT