
Religious plurality in film (Semiotics Analysis Studies about the Meaning of Plurality in Religious Elements on India film entitled

Oleh :
Putri Aruma Wardani - D0211081 - Fak. ISIP

Ethnic and racial plurality in the country of India also has an impact on
religious plurality. A major threat in the country that has a religious plurality is a
conflict between groups that can impact a split in the country. Movie as a media
can be used for sending message about current issue to the public and the movie
can be started from the phenomena. It’s like the “PK” movies, which discusses
about religious plurality.
This study aims to find about the meaning of plurality interpreted with
symbols and sign are displayed in scenes “PK” movies. By knowing and
understanding the signs and symbols of religious plurality in the movie, it would
be make we more respect each other and respect each other religious groups.
the methodology that be used in this research was a descriptive qualitative
one with semiotics analysis approach, with technique collecting data through shot
that chosen from several scene which there are elements related with religious
plurality. From religious plurality, then focused on the religious elements are
categorized into religious belief, religious symbol and religious ritual. Technique
of analyzing data used by the writer is Charles Sanders Pierce semiotic method.
The writer sees the sign from icon, index and symbols.
. From the theory of Charles Sanders Pierce with icons, index and
symbols, researchers can be understand about the meaning of symbol in the “PK”
movies. So that the delivery information is expected by the director can be
delivered.. The conclusion from this study is the belief that showing obedience to
God , but instead construct our thinking to other groups , symbols may be an
identity which raises a prejudice and discrimination , as well as rituals that serve
as a real form of obedience someone who aims to bring to God . Yet there is an
implied message to be conveyed through the film on the plurality of religions ,
where that every religion teaches compassion , tolerance and mutual respect
aimed at God
Keyword: Semiotic, Plurality, Religious Element, Film