

Textbook Evaluation: An Investigation into a “Bahasa Inggris” Textbook for High School Students of Grade XI/Semester I

Oleh :
Diyah Nur Hidayati - S891408014 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The objective of this research was to evaluate (1) the language skill activities, (2) text types, and (3) core competencies and cultural values fulfilled by the “Bahasa Inggris” textbook. This study was categorised as a textbook evaluation research. The procedures used in this research were adopted from Ur (2009) consisting of (1) deciding on criteria, (2) applying criteria, and (3) summary. The data was collected by using document analysis and interview. In analyzing data, Miles’s and Huberman’s model was considered to be used through data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Based on the research data, it showed that the language skill activities and text types provided in the ‘Bahasa Inggris’ textbook for grade XI/ semester I were poor since the book did not meet the requirements proposed more than 50%. Then, the core competencies and cultural values were categorised as fair. Around 60% indicators of core competence and cultural values was fulfilled by this book. Additionally, the result of this study is fruitful, especially for English teachers, further researchers, and materials developers. English teachers can design their own supplementary materials by knowing the weaknesses of this book. The further researchers may use the checklists to evaluate other English textbooks. Then, the material developers can also use the result of this research as a guideline revise or/and design the book based on the result of this study.
Key Words: textbook, evaluation, activities, text types, culture