Berlinda Mandasari, S891308009, 2015. Teachers’ Beliefs on the Use of Authentic Materials to Teach Listening (A Case Study at MAN 1 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2014/2015). A Thesis. First Consultant: Prof. Dr. Sri Samiati Tarjana; Secod Consultant: Dra. Dewi Roschsantiningsih, M.Ed, Ph.D; English Education Department, Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University.
This research is aimed at: (1) identifying teachers? beliefs on the use of authentic materials to teach listening; (2) identifying factors that affect teachers? beliefs on the use of authentic materials to teach listening; and (3) describing how authentic materials are implemented in teaching listening.
This research is a qualitative case study conducted in islamic high school 1 Surakarta. The samples chosen through purposive sampling are two English teachers who teach listening skill for the tent grade. Data of the research were collected through questionnaire, observation, interview and teaching learning documents and were analyzed by using interactive model proposed by Miles and Huberman.
Finding of this research are: 1. teachers believe that :a) authentic materials are materials produced by a native speaker of the target language not for a teaching purpose, b) authentic materials must introduce English in the real context used by the native speaker, improve students? knowledge, Improve students? English competence in both spoken and written, improve students? vocabulary, introduce the culture of native speaker, improve students? listening ability, motivate students to learn, motivate students to learn autonomously, c) authentic materials are important to use since it is motivating students and providing some aspect of English that students can learn, d) authentic materials are considered to be carefully selected before being taught to the students, e) song attracts students? interest; 2. factors that affect teachers? beliefs: the challenging point of authentic materials, easy access to authentic materials, the availability of the equipments, students? interest, workshop/training and personal experience; 3. a) there is inconsistancy between teachers? beliefs and the practice in the classroom, b) authentic materials are implemented well in the classroom. The students are actively involved during teaching and learning process. Bottom-up processing is applied during listening activity.
According to the findings of the research, it is noticed that teachers?s beliefs strongly shape teachers? instructional practices and the selection of the materials that will be taught to the students. It is considered important to identify the beliefs of teachers since teachers? beliefs are the fundamental concepts to develop fooreign language teaching.