
Improving Students’ Participation in Learning English by Using English Board Game (A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of SMA Negeri Kebakkramat in the Academic Year 2015 / 2016)

Oleh :
Deasy Indriawan - K2211023 - Fak. KIP

The objectives of the research are: (1) to identify whether and to what extent the use of games can improve student’s participation (2) to describe difficulties in implementing games in the English class.
This action research was carried out at SMA Negeri Kebakkramat was conducted from August to September 2015. The subject of the research was the students of class X-2. The research was conducted in two cycles: in the first cycle there were three meetings and in the second cycle there were three meetings. This research optimized the use of English board game to improve students’ participation in learning English.
The qualitative data were collected through interview, observation, field note and questionnaire. The qualitative data were collected through speaking test in playing board games, in this research focus on students’ speaking skill. The data were compared and analyzed to get a conclusion as the result of this research. The finding showed that English board game improves students’ participation in learning English. The improvements of students’ participation include: (1) the number of students asking question during learning process increased; (2) the number of students gave comment or suggestion in learning process increased; (3) students became more enthusiastic in following the learning process; (4) students became more confident to involve themselves in learning process; (5) many students gave positive feedback during the lesson; (6) students made good cooperation in class discussion. Besides, the difficulties of using English board game in English class that the teacher should: (1) adjust the class material with the design of a board game; (2) be creative in making an attractive design; (3) make the rule easy to understand; (4) consider the level of the students and the appropriate time; (4) handle the students patiently and keep the students not to get bored of the game. In addition, the students’ skill also improved. It can be seen from students’ speaking skill score: in pre-test their mean score was 63.2, in test 1 it was 67.5 and in test 2 it was 70.2. Besides, students’ writing and reading skill were also good. Students’ reading score was 70, 80, and even 100. In writing their score was quite good that was 70 and 85.
It can be concluded that English board game can improve students’ participation in learning English. This new variation of game will hopefully help teacher, students and school to make a better lesson in learning English. Students will improve their skill and also this game gives new experiences for students.
Key words: students’ participation, board game, English lesson, classroom action research