
Religious Education of Early Childhood

Oleh :
Rahmawati, Anayanti - 197601032010122001 - Fak. KIP

Religious Education of Early Childhood


Anayanti Rahmawati


PG-PAUD Fkip Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta



Religion comes from the Latin religio which means binding. That is the religion there are rules and obligations that must be carried out every adherents. Religious teaching should be instilled early because of a belief that will be brought by any person in his life. However inculcate religion in children is not easy, because many religious teachings such abstracts concepts as well as the reward of heaven-hell-sin. When born, the child can be called religous yet. He just has the potential to develop into a human religion. The child's condition at this time is very influenced by faith, attitudes and behavior of religious parents.


Keywords : education, religion, early childhood