
Kaji Eksperimental Performansi Pengereman Kampas Rem Serat Ijuk sebagai Bahan Alternatif Kampas Rem Mobil

Oleh :
Khoirul Anwar - K2511025 - Fak. KIP

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (1) Mengetahui pengaruh variasi komposisi komposit serat, ijuk kuningan (Cu-Zn), magnesium oksida (MgO), dan resin polyester terhadap koefisien gesek pada pengujian performansi pengereman dengan mesin Prony Brake. (2) Menyelidiki variasi komposisi komposit serat ijuk, kuningan (Cu-Zn), magnesium oksida (MgO), dan resin polyester yang mempunyai koefisien gesek tertinggi jika dibandingkan dengan koefisien gesek kampas rem merk Nissin.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Data diperoleh dengan melakukan uji performansi pengereman menggunakan mesin Prony Brake. Proses pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan membuat 4 komposisi kampas rem, setiap komposisi dibuat 3 buah sampel menjadi (1A, 1B, 1C; 2A, 2B, 2C; 3A, 3B, 3C; 4A, 4B, 4C). Data diperoleh dari hasil uji performansi pengereman kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam tabel dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik, kemudian dianalisis dengan membandingkan koefisien gesek kampas rem serat ijuk dan koefisien gesek kampas rem merk Nissin.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan: (1) Variasi komposisi bahan kampas rem berpengaruh terhadap nilai koefisien gesek kampas rem. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien gesek yang berbeda-beda pada komposisi kampas rem yang berbeda. Kampas rem komposisi 1 dengan komposisi serat ijuk 55%, serbuk kuningan (Cu-Zn) 15%, magnesium oksida (MgO) 20% dan resin polyester 10% nilai koefisien geseknya sebesar 0,907. Kampas rem komposisi 2 dengan komposisi serat ijuk 45%, serbuk kuningan (Cu-Zn) 25%, magnesium oksida (MgO) 20% dan resin polyester 10% nilai koefisien geseknya sebesar 0,496. Kampas rem Komposisi 3 dengan dengan komposisi serat ijuk 25%, serbuk kuningan (Cu-Zn) 45%, magnesium oksida (MgO) 20% dan resin polyester 10% nilai koefisien geseknya sebesar 0,674. Kampas rem 4 dengan komposisi serat ijuk 15%, serbuk kuningan (Cu-Zn) 55%, magnesium oksida (MgO) 20% dan resin polyester 10% nilai koefisien geseknya sebesar 0,508. (2) Semua spesimen kampas rem serat ijuk mempunyai nilai koefisien gesek diatas kampas rem merk Nissin. Nilai koefisien gesek tertinggi sebesar 0,924 terjadi pada spesimen kampas rem 1 dengan prosentase serat ijuk 55%, kuningan (Cu-Zn) 15%, magnesium oksida (MgO) 20%, dan resin polyester 10%. Kampas rem merk Nissin mempunyai nilai koefisien gesek sebesar 0,301. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa spesimen kampas rem serat ijuk lebih baik daripada kampas rem merk Nissin terhadap nilai koefisien gesek pada pengujian performansi pengereman.
Kata kunci : bahan alternatif, performansi pengereman, kampas rem serat ijuk, kampas rem mobil, koefisien gesek, prony brake.
This research aims are: (1) Know the influence of varied compositions of composites of palm fiber, brass (Cu-Zn), magnesium oxide (MgO), and polyester resin on coefficient of friction in braking performance test with Prony Brake, (2) Investigating varied compositions of composites of palm fiber, brass (Cu-Zn), magnesium oxide (MgO), and polyester resin having the highest coefficient of friction values compared to those of Nissin brake pads.
The research employed descriptive-quantitative method. The data were obtained by conducting a braking performance test using Prony Brake. The samples were selected by making four compositions of brake pads, each of which was made into 3 samples (coded 1A, 1B, 1C; 2A, 2B, 2C; 3A, 3B, 3C; 4A, 4B, 4C). The data were taken from the results of the braking performance test, which were later inserted into a table, exhibited in graphic form, and were finally analyzed by comparing the coefficient of friction values of palm fiber brake pads with those of Nissin brake pads.
The findings of the research indicate that: (1) The varied compositions of brake pad composites affect the coefficient of friction of the brake pads. It can be seen from the different coefficient of friction values performed by different compositions of the brake pads. The first brake pad compositions with the palm fiber composition of 55%, brass powder (Cu-Zn) of 15%, magnesium oxide (MgO) of 20%, and polyester resin of 10% show coefficient of friction value of 0.924. The second brake pad compositions with the composition of palm fiber of 45%, brass powder (Cu-Zn) of 25%, magnesium oxide (MgO) of 20%, and polyester resin of 10% perform coefficient of friction value of 0.496. The third brake pad compositions with the composition of palm fiber of 25%, brass powder (Cu-Zn) of 45%, magnesium oxide (MgO) of 20%, and polyester resin of 10% result in coefficient of friction value of 0.674. The forth brake pad compositions with the composition of palm fiber of 15%, brass powder (Cu-Zn) of 55%, magnesium oxide (MgO) of 20%, and polyester resin of 10% have coefficient of friction value of 0.508. (2) All specimens of palm fiber brake pads show higher coefficient of friction values than those of Nissin brake pads. The highest coefficient of friction (0.826) belongs to the first brake pad compositions with the palm fiber composition of 55%, brass powder (Cu-Zn) of 15%, magnesium oxide (MgO) of 20%, and polyester resin of 10%. Nissin brake pads have coefficient of friction of 0.301. This research proves that the specimens of palm fiber brake pads are better than those of Nissin brake pads in term of coefficient of friction values in braking performance test.
Keywords: alternate materials, braking performance, palm fiber brake pads, brake pads for cars, the coefficient of friction, prony brake.