

Pembelajaran e-learning dan modul berbahasa inggris dengan memperhatikan tingkat aktivitas belajar siswa (Studi Kasus Pembelajaran Fisika untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Materi Momentum dan Impuls pada Siswa Kelas X Teknik Komputer Jaringan SMKN 2

Oleh :
Wening Sukmanawati - S830907025 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

ABSTRACT The objectivies of the Research are to know : (1) The effect of e-Learning and English Modul learning Model to Student’s achievement in physics. (2) The effect of high, medium, low to the student’s learning activity to the student’s achievement in physics. (3) Interaction between learning model and student’s learning activity to student’s achievement in physics. The research was used in experiment method. The population are the student of grade X, SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta in the Academic Year 2008 / 2009, the number of 19 classes. Sample is taken by cluster random sampling technique. The number two class are X TKJ B and X TKJ C class. The Technique of Collecting data from the variable student’s achievement are collected by test method, the result for modul class have 69.59 average 2nd for e-Learning class have 72.94 average. The variable of student’s learning activity are collected by questionnaire method from 65 students, which consist of the 33 students a learning class and 32 students in modul class, those are 28 students have high learning activity, 6 students have medium learning activity, and 31 students have low learning activity. The technique of analyzing data is Anava two ways different cell. Based on the result of the research are concluded: (1) There are effect of E-Learning and English modul learning model to student’s achievement in physics for momentum and impulse material. (2) There are effect of student’s learning activity high, medium, low activity to the student’s achievement in physics for momentum and impulse material. (3) There are interaction between e-learning and English modul learning with student’s learning activity of high, medium, low to the student’s achievement in physics for momentum and impulse material.