
Partisipasi Politik Etnis Keturunan Arab Dalam Pemilihan Presiden Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon Kota Surakarta)

Oleh :
Erna Yuliandari - 197907092003122001 - Fak. KIP

Partisipasi Politik Etnis Keturunan Arab Dalam Pemilihan Presiden Tahun 2014

(Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon Kota Surakarta)


Erna Yuliandari

Prodi PPKn FKIP UNS Surakarta

E-mail : nana_adenensi@yahoo.co.id

ABSTRACT. This research focuses on political participation of Arab descent ethnic ini the presidential election 2014. The problems examined in this research are form and characteristics political participation of Arab descent ethnic in Pasar Kliwon in the president and vice president election in 2014. Meanwhile, the objectives of this research are to explain and to describe form and characteristics political participation of Arab descent ethnic in Pasar Kliwon in the presidential election 2014. To answer the problem statement above, there are three theoritical framework, namely political participation in presidential election, Ethnicity and the Presidential election. The result of the research shows that political participation done by the community of Arab descent ethnic in Pasar Kliwon sub district in presidential election in 2015 completely autonomy and conventional in step before voting as discussion about problems towards presidential election through informal forums, in the step voter registration completely stelse passive by waiting tobe registration by registered voter officer, most of Arab descent ethnic in Pasar Kliwon sub district did not follow campaign because their have the same schedule with their daily routines. Politic Participation in the stage of voting so enthusiastic tocome to voting place and choose one of candidate for president and vice president without any pressure. In step after voting , Arab descent ethnic did not attend and participate. Political participation of Arab descent ethnic in Pasar Kliwon sub distric showing inprovement compared to previous election, where the number of blanks voters in Pasar Kliwon sub distric is higher than other sub district in Surakarta, one of number of constributors for blank voter is Arab decent ethnic, they are passive and ignore general election activities.

Keywords :  Political Participation, Arab Descent Ethnic, Presidential Election