
Interrogative Utterances in Twilight Saga:New Moon Film Subtitle

Oleh :
Deviani Oktavia Rachmawati - C0310016 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

 This research focuses on analyzing the interrogative utterances of three main
actors in New Moon Film Subtitle. The aims of the research are 1) to find out the
types of illocutionary acts 2) to find out the translation techniques, and 3) to find out
the quality of translation product of the data.   
 This is a descriptive-qualitative research and a single embedded-case study
which focuses only on some particular cases. In research findings, there will be
presented the result of analysis; illocutionary acts, translation techniques and
translation quality. The result of translation quality assessment is obtained from the
result of questionnaire given to the three raters and five respondents. 
The result of types of illocutionary acts that appear in New Moon film
subtitle from the interrogative utterances of the three main actors from 76 total data
are verditives (5 data), exercitives (4 data), expositives (9 data) and behabitives (6
data). The rest 52 data are analyzed as pure question. The researcher also found that
there are 12 translation techniques that are used by the translator in translating the
data. They are variation, established equivalent, reduction, borrowing, transposition,
amplification, literal translation, particularization, generalization, linguistic
compression, linguistic amplification, and modulation techniques. The results of
translation quality assessment (TQA) are 68.42% accurate and 31.58% less
accurate, 84.21% acceptable and 15.79% less acceptable, and 94.74% readable and
5.26% less readable.  From the result of TQA, no data are considered inaccurate,
inacceptable and not readable. 
In conclusion, the result of the TQA shows that the translation has good
quality based on the score given by the raters. One of the factors that influence the
good translation quality is the proper choice of translation technique by the
translator when translating the text. The translator should also consider the context
of the text to produce a good translation. The illocutionary acts analysis shows that
an utterance may have another meaning based on the context.