
Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Pembuangan Panas Kondensor Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Mesin Refrigerasi

Oleh :
Fadil Rizkiyanda - I0411016 - Fak. Teknik


Air conditioning machine works by absorbing heat from the room and then dispose of the heat into the environment. Heat dissipation by condensor affects the performance of the air conditioning machine. When the heat dissipation is not maximum, the air conditioning machine performance is not optimal. This research aimed to determine the effect of heat dissipation on the condenser against the refrigeration machine performance. By using HFC-134a refrigerant, heat dissipation was varied into 4 types of heat dissipation. This research was focused on these following parameters which were the coefficient of performance (COP), cooling capacity and energy efficiency ratio (EER). From the calculation and analysis of data, it was known that the performance of the refrigeration machine was affected by heat dissipation in condensor. The coefficient of performance (COP) increased from 3.88 to 4.57. Cooling capacity increased from 6.39 kW to 8.70 kW. The energy efficiency ratio (EER) increased from 8.33 to 10.74 (+29%).



Keywords: refrigerant, HFC-134a, condenser, hermetic compressor, COP