
Marketing of Potential Tourism Destinations in Karanganyar Regency

Oleh :
Ari Sudrajat - C9313010 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Ari Sudrajat, 2016. Marketing of potential tourism destinations in
Karanganyar Regency. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences,
Sebelas Maret University. 
The aims of this report are to explain (1) the activities done by the writer during
the internship program at Cultural and Tourism Department of Karanganyar Regency;
(2) the difficulties faced and exit strategies done by the writer during the activities.  
The main activity of this program is creating the tourism website using English in
order to promote the local tourism destinations of Karanganyar Regency toward the
foreign public. Further, there are five steps that had been passed by the writer. They are
observing the tourism destinations, writing the persuasive-descriptive texts, creating and
designing the website, reporting the project to the department, and also promoting the
website to the public. During the internship activities, the writer faced many problems.
The most difficult problem was writing the persuasive-descriptive texts. In order to
solve that problem, the writer did some strategies. They are (1) reading some references
from books, leaflets, and brochures of tourism destinations; (2) searching some parallel
texts from some official websites from the other countries; and (3) rechecking the
promotion texts to some experts.