Implementasi undang-undang nomor II tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik terhadap transaksi perbankan melalui internet banking (Studi pada permata bank kantor cabang Surakarta)
Oleh :
Bagus Wijayanto - - Fak. Hukum
This law research aims to know the execution of banking transaction through the internet banking (Permata Net) in Permata Bank of pursuant to The Statute Number 11 Year 2008 About Information and Electronic Transaction and to know the responsibility of the parties in banking transaction through the internet banking.
This law research including type of empirical research law with the approach of qualitative having the character of descriptive by taking research location in Permata Bank office of branch Surakarta . Data Type used in law research are primary data and secondary data. Technique of data collecting is passing perception, interview, and good bibliography study in the form of law and regulation, books, article, etc. Technique of data analyse used by writer is the data qualitative technique of analyse with interactive model.
According to this law research obtained results that execution of banking transaction through the internet banking (Permata Net) in Permata Bank has applied the provisions in The Statute Number 11 Year 2008 About Information and Electronic Transaction in the form of information of electronic of Peermata net, the electronic contract of Permata net, transaction of Permata net, and security of Permata net. The Contract of Pemata net also relate its validity condition agreement arranged in Section 1320 of Civil Law Code, but in the case of efficiency to make an alliance, the party of Permata Bank specify the minimum adulthood boundary age 17 years old. In civil law of adulthood boundary according to Section 330 of Civil Law Code that is have reached that is age 21 years old or have married, while according to Section 47 of The Statute Number 1 Year 1974 about Marriage that is have reached age 18 years old or have married. In transaction of Permata net in the event of risk, hence loss accounted by a client, and client is responsible to the mistake or its negligence as consumer of Permata net.
Theoretical implication of this writing law gives the idea contribution to development of area of science of Civil Law specially the banking law and the internet law, while practical implication of this research result is that can give the input and knowledge addition to all related party and for the research of furthermore.