
A library research on teacher-students positive interaction to improve students motivation to learn english as a foreign language

Oleh :
Agung Budi Winarto - K2211005 - Fak. KIP

The objective of this library research is to identify the way the teachers-students positive interaction in the classroom improves students’ motivation in learning English as foreign language.
The method used in this research is library research method. The researcher collected the theories of every variable, teacher-students positive interaction and foreign language learning motivation from several books, journals, articles and web sites. The theories were then critically analyzed by explaining them on the second and third chapter. As the conclusion, the researcher made synthesis from those theories and answered the research problem.
The result of the research is that teacher-students positive interaction can improve students’ motivation to learn English as foreign language. The interaction works through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that is shown on the researcher’s foreign language learning motivation framework. The framework is made by modifying Gardner’s socio-educational model with other theories to make the theory able to be applied in the classroom. In intrinsic motivation, teacher-students interaction works by satisfying deficiency needs introduced by Maslow, and in extrinsic motivation, the interaction works by applying several theories such as expectancy theory, goal theory, and achievement theory to Gardner’s socio-educational model.
Considering the results of the research, it can be concluded that the issue of improving students’ motivation is not only about how to initiate it but also how it can be developed and maintained. Those initiation, development, and maintenance can be done through teacher-students positive interaction in the classroom.
Keywords: teacher-students positive interaction, students’ motivation, library research.