Interrogatives analysis based on grice’s four cooperative principles in the movie entitled guess who (a pragmatics approach)
Oleh :
Shanty Ajie Pamularsih - - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This research is a qualitative research employing a descriptive method. It is aimed to find out the type of questions and its function based on Grice’s four cooperative principles in the movie entitled Guess Who.
This research was conducted by analyzing the data through the questions type, the questions functions and the cooperative principle according to the maxims. This research is to find out the most type of questions that appear in the movie, the function of questions that are mostly shown in the movie, and the obeying of maxims.
The researcher used the purposive sampling technique since the phenomena of the data were matched with the criteria. The sources of data in this research are the conversation that happened among the characters in the movie entitled Guess Who.
From the analysis of the data, it can be concluded that the type of questions in the form of yes-no questions type are 107 data, in the form of WH questions type are 82 data, in the form of rhetorical questions type are 4 data, in the form of declarative questions type are 2 data, and in the form of tag questions type are 2 data. The functions of interrogatives are mostly as enquiry. Usually the form of yes-no questions type that functioned as enquiry are in the form of simple present tense and simple past tense. In the form of WH questions type that functions as enquiry also in the form of simple present tense and simple past tense. Secondly, the functions of interrogatives as personal reaction, it is because the characters utter the questions in the high intonation. By uttering in high intonation, the character as the speaker has intention in delivering the functions of interrogatives as personal reaction to the hearer. Sometimes the hearer can accept the speaker intention well, but sometimes the hearer was misunderstanding with it. In the case of cooperative principle, the researcher used the maxims in analyzing the correlation between the questions and answer. The researcher found that 11 dialogues were obeying the four maxims while 12 dialogues were violating the four maxims.