
Writing News Scripts, Making Articles and Broadcasting Articles At Radio Republik Indonesia Surakarta

Oleh :
Adam Abdullah - C9313001 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The objective of this report is to describe my internship activity in radio broadcasting institute. This program was conducted at RRI Surakarta from January 16, 2016 to February 6, 2016. RRI Surakarta is located at Abdul Rahman Saleh street, 51, Kestalan, Surakarta.
Job assignments at RRI Surakarta were translating news, making tips and trick articles and broadcasting tips and trick articles. I had several problems during my internship program, especially dealing with difficult word of technical term, diction, idea for making articles, grammar mistake and nervous feeling. I tried to solve the problems by discussion with my partner internship, correction from instructor, utilizing dictionaries, reading articles, controlling myself and practicing before broadcasting.