
Writing News Scripts and Broadcasting Articles in Radio Republik Indonesia Surakarta

Oleh :
Muhammad Tsaqif Ridwan - C9313045 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This report is written based on my internship activities in Radio Republik Indonesia Surakarta (RRI Surakarta) which lasted for a month. The objectives of this report are to elaborate the problems in writing news scripts and recording articles in RRI Surakarta. In order to produce a good news scripts, I had problems in choosing the right tenses used, translating unfamiliar words and writing the news scripts based on the Keep It Short and Simple (KISS) aspect. I had to fully comprehend the scripts and asked the guidance of my instructor in order to solve those problems. In the meantime, choosing the appropriate topic was the only problem in writing articles. Recording the articles was more difficult compared to writing the articles. I had to stay focus and pay attention to my pronunciation and stressing in order to make the articles alive. Together with RRI Surakarta operator, I could edit my recording and delete most of my mistakes in recording the articles.