

Analisis Terjemahan Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Kalimat Tanya pada Komik Land Of Black Gold Dan Negeri Emas Hitam

Oleh :
Ardya Setya Nurvrita - S131308001 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The objectives of this study are (1) to identify, to describe, and to classify the types and interrogative illocutionary sentences used in comic Land of Black Gold and its translation; (2) to identify, to describe, and to classify translation techniques applied and the reasons they are used in translation question in comic Land of Black Gold and its translation; (3) to decribe the impact of the used of translation techiques on the quality of translation. This reseach is decriptive, qualitative research. The main source of data in this research is comic Land of Black Gold and Negeri Emas Hitam. The second data source is obtained from raters. The data collection done through documents analyzing, questionnaire distribution and in-depth interview. Documents analysis is done to identify types, illocutionary functions, techniques, and translation quality. The result of the analysis shows; first, there are three kinds of questions found in 174 data of interrogative illocutionary utterances namely: Yes-no question 74 (42,5%), Wh question 97 (55,7%), dan Alternative question 3 (1,7%). Second, 174 data applied 10 illocutionary function, such as asking 111 (63,8%), confirming 40 (23%), offering 3 (1,72%), suggesting 4 (2,3%), commanding 3 (1,72%), forbiding 2 (1,15%), convinceing 6 (3,45%), reminding 1 (0,57%), blaming 1 (0,57%), ensuring 3 (1,72%). Third, the applying of translation technique of question illocutionary act , there are 164 data translated by using a single variant technique; Established Equivalent 66 (40,2%), Literal Translation 38 (23,1%), Reduction 30 (18,3%), Linguistics Compression 9 (5,5%), Modulation 6 (3,6%), Amplification 8 (4,8%), Particularisation 3 (1,8%), Linguistic Amplification 1 (0,6%), Variation 3 (1,8%). Couplet variant applied in 10 data, such as: Established Equivalent +Reduction 5 (50%), Variation+Literal Translation 1 (10%), Reduction+Amplification 1 (10%), Linguistic Compression+Reduction (10%), Established Equivalent +Variation 2 (20%). Fourth, concerning with translation quality of interrogative illocutionary sentences can be concluded that the translation is accurate. In this case is showed from 142 (81,6%) data constitute the translation is accurate, 26 (14,9%) data less accurate, and 6 (3,4%) data not accurate, 154 data acceptability, 20 (11,5%) less acceptability, then 125 (71,8%) data high readability, 37 (21,3%) data medium readability, and 12 (6,9%) data low readability translation. These indicate that comic has a good quality. Image, text, and narration are ones of the comic’s rules that are interconnected. The existence of such rules, translation technique such as Established Equivalence, Literal Translation, and Reduction often become a solution to produce the translation of comic that is appropriate to the context and the message. On the other hand, the impact of the use of these techniques can also be a negative impact on the quality of the translation. In other words, translators are required to be more closely in applying such techniques, thus resulting in accurate translation, acceptable and easily understood. Keywords: Comic, interrogative, speech act, translation, and quality.