
A descriptive study on classroom interaction of english teaching-learning process in the large classes of the first year students in SMA N I Gemolong

Oleh :
Nanik Rahayu - K2202037 - Fak. KIP

ABSTRAK The objective of this study is to describe the form of classroom interaction in the large classes, the students’ involvement in teaching-learning process, the rapport between the teacher and students, and also the role of the teacher and students there. The research was conducted in SMU N I Gemolong, located in Jl. Citrosancakan, Tegal Dowo, Gemolong, Sragen in October until November 2006. In this research, the writer used qualitative research. To describe those objectives above, the researcher used descriptive method. The technique of collecting the data in this research is unobtrusive observation, interview, and document analysis. The researcher carried out the observation five times. All of them were done in the English teaching-learning process conducted in the classroom consisting of 40 students (called: large classes). For supporting the data, the writer used guided interview. She interviewed one English teacher and five students. They were interviewed at different places and time. In analyzing the data, the writer used interactive analysis method. They are three components that must be concerned in this method. They are reduction of the data, display/presentation of the data, and drawing conclusion. After doing the observation and the interview, the writer can conclude that the form of classroom interaction in the large classes of the first year students in SMU N I Gemolong was not the same at all the time. It depended on the teaching method, the material/syllabus being taught, and also the atmosphere of the classroom. If the method was interesting and classroom situation was relaxed, there was interaction between teacher and students, and among students themselves. However, if the teaching method was monotonous and the teacher conducted the teaching strictly, students looked so passive. They just received the materials given by the teacher and gave a little respond to her questions or instructions. Still, most of the classroom interaction was highly controlled by the textbook so that it was called teacher-centred. The students’ opportunity for participating in classroom interaction was also different. Students who sat in the front zone were more active than the students sitting in the back zone. It was caused by the condition of the back zone, which was too crowded that made the students could not concentrate to the teacher talk. The rapport between the teacher and the students was also influenced by the classroom atmosphere and the teaching method. Because of the monotonous method and a very formal situation, many students were not active and feeling bored. Thus, there was distance rapport between the teacher and students. They were afraid of expressing their idea, criticism, and their feeling in joining the English class. In the classroom, the teacher did not only play one role. She could be a manager, a facilitator, a resource, and an instructor. However, as a facilitator, she has not provided a variety of teaching materials and enjoyable classroom situation well. Besides, as a manager, she has not also made all of the students involved in the teaching-learning process. In all of the writer’s observation, the average of student talks was very much less than the average of teacher talks. The first is 15,2% and the second is 46%. Therefore, there should be an improvement toward the teaching methodology, which is creative, innovative and communicative. Thus, the teacher as a doer in the teaching implementation should make good management of the teaching method. To make close relationship with the students, she should also make interactive communication with them. In addition, because of the teacher difficulties in evaluating and monitoring the students’ achievement, it is better for the school to limit the number of the students which is not more than 30 students in each classroom. Meanwhile, the students, as the subjects of classroom activities, should realize that if they want to master the English well, they should be active involving in teaching-learning process and should not be afraid anymore.